Chapter 2

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Izuku woke up with a smile the next day. He figured he had enough money to go out and buy a treat for his hard work the past few months, so he got up and got dressed in a simple white tee-shirt and jeans. Izuku then messed with his recently re-dyed silver hair to try and make it look slightly neater, spoiler alert, it didn't work. Finally Izuku got his blue contact lenses from their case. Now Izuku was ready for his trip to Musutafu.

As Izuku walked along the fairly empty streets he kept a lookout for any danger that could be lurking in the shadows. Ever since the fire that killed his mom he had been very paranoid, especially because he was on his own and anything could've happened to him, luckily nothing had happened yet, but there was still the possibility of danger.

Finally Izuku reached his destination. A small cafe that sold high quality drinks for a low price, luckily they had so much business that it didn't really affect the business itself. Izuku looked up at the shop before swiftly opening its door.

The first thing he noticed when he entered was a very sleep deprived looking man with long black hair and a look that screamed 'I don't get paid enough for life', Izuku immediately recognized him as the pro hero Eraserhead that was chasing him the night before. Next to Eraserhead was a man with cockatoo hair and a small pointy mustache, Izuku recognized him as Present Mic.

'Just my luck' Izuku thought as he walked to the counter in the back of the shop so he could order a drink.

"Hello, welcome to Sinji's Cafe, how may I help you?" The cashier said in a tone that made Izuku believe that one, they didn't want to work here, and two, they were barely resisting the urge to curse him out.

"Could I get a Strawberry Bubble Tea?" Izuku asked with a small smile to be polite. The waiter nodded and typed a couple of things into the cash register.

"Can I get a name for the order?" The waiter asked.

"Ryota," Izuku replied. He had three years of practice to tell people his new name, so it was a lot easier than when he had first come up with it.

"That'll be 309.73¥," The waiter said after a while of looking at the cash register. Izuku nodde and grabbed the money from his jean pocket and placed it on the counter. The cashier took the money and put it into the register, "We'll call your name once it's ready."

Izuku walked away and looked at the only empty table left, 'The Fates really aren't on my side today," Izuku thought with a slight frown. He walked towards the table that sat right next to Eraserhead's and Present Mic's table.

Izuku quickly took a seat, and waited for his name to be called so he could get his drink. Izuku purposely sat so he was looking at the two Pro Heroes, just in case he needed to keep an eye on the two.

To distract himself Izuku pulled out a small pencil and a folded piece of paper from his pants pocket, then he started drawing support items that he could possibly make with scraps. He knew that if he wanted to improve his inventing skills then he actually had to invent something. Izuku had made some other things before, such as his mask/voice changer, and his main weapon which was a staff that could shrink to a necklace.

"Ryota!" Izuku's head shot up at hearing his fake name.

'My drink must be ready' he thought to himself as he stood up to retrieve it. Izuku walked to the counter and grabbed the drink after thanking the waiter, he then turned around and started walking for the exit so he could go home and drink his drink, but, the world wasn't on his side today because before he could check his surroundings he bumped into someone which caused his drink to be spilled on the both of them, and Izuku ended up on the floor.

Izuku looked up to see the person he bumped into, and when he saw who it was it made his heart sink.


Aizawa was having a pretty bad day. First he ran into the vigilante Ziro, then Ziro stole his scarf meaning he had to get another one which meant more social interaction. Aizawa's husband must've noticed his bad mood, because he offered to buy Aizawa coffee at the nearest coffee shop. AIzawa, being the coffee addict he is, said yes.

Which brings us to now. Aizawa was sitting at a table that was close to the door with his husband, they both had a drink, but while Aizawa had a coffee, Hizashi had hot chocolate with extra marshmallows.

People came in and out of the cafe, but one specific boy caught Aizawa's attention. The boy in question had silver hair, and what he assumed were blue eyes, he was wearing a white tee-shirt and jeans. What caught his attention about the boy wasn't his appearance, but the fact he came in alone, usually kids that age would come in with friends or family.

Aizawa sighed a bit, then shook his head. He didn't need the extra feelings of stress that this kid was giving him.

After a while of talking to his husband and drinking their beverages, they were both ready to leave. Aizawa grabbed his husband's empty hot chocolate cup, then grabbed his own empty cup so he could throw them both away.

As Aizawa walked to the garbage cans he couldn't help but glance at the silver haired boy's table, it was empty. Aizawa shrugged a bit before turning to make sure that he didn't run into anyone, but it was too late.

As Aizawa stumbled back from the impact he felt something cold and wet hit his shirt. To say Aizawa was surprised was an understatement, but he managed to keep his poker face as he looked down at the person he ran into. Aizawa immediately recognized the silver hair and blue eyes, he had run into the kid who came here alone, and the cold wet feeling was the boy's drink that had gotten spilled on both of them.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, would you like assistance in cleaning up?" Aizawa said with as much empathy as he could muster, the boy just looked up at him with wide eyes.

"N-no, it wa-was my fault," The silver haired boy stuttered out. Aizawa originally didn't care very much for the boy, but when he heard the tone of voice the boy was using his concern grew, "I even spilled my drink on you! I am so sorry sir, I will repay you for your shirt."

The boy then stood up and started shuffling around in his pockets, most likely looking for money.

"Kid, it's alright, if anything I should be repaying you for your drink," Aizawa said with reassurance. The boy looked at him with a slight hint of confusion in his eyes. Just then Aizawa's husband walked over to the two.

"What's going on?" Hizashi asked with concern laced in his voice, both Aizawa and the boy looked towards the loud man.

"We bumped into each other and his drink spilled on the both of us," Aizawa told his husband as the short boy continued looking in his pockets.

"Oh," Hizashi said.

"I'm really sorry sir, I'll pay for a new shirt for you, I promise!' the boy rushed out with an apologetic look spread across his face.

"Listen kid, i already told you that you didn't need to pay me back. Besides, I have a lot of other shirts that look like this one," The sleep deprived man said in a stern yet kind voice. Hizashi looked between the two almost immediately noticing the fatherly aura Aizawa was giving off, "Now, let me help you clean up this mess."

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