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he hasn't been distant.

and he hasn't been acting strange.

has he?

dream sat in his computer chair thinking. george said he's been distant, but that can't be true. he'd know if he was.

"clay?" he heard faintly, but ignored it.

he'd know if he was acting differently.

"clay?" a little louder.

he'd know.

"clay?" louder.


"dream?!" dream shook from his thoughts staring at his computer screen. he was in the call with george still.

"hey, sorry. got distracted." he could hear george scoff. "sorry." he repeated.

"clay, what's up with you? you know you can talk to me, right?" dream rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair.

"i told you, there's nothing to talk about. i'm good." he chewed the string of his sweatshirt absentmindedly, silently wishing they would talk about something else.

"i don't believe you." george retorted, but it wasn't full of annoyance or harshness, it was disbelief and worry.

"well then i don't know what else to tell you." he rubbed a hand down his face. he really needed to get to work.

"nick agrees with me, you know." dream's eyes widened a bit at this.

"really?" george nodded, though dream couldn't see.

"yeah, we're both worried. actually, i think i'm going to add him to the call." dream sat up immediately.

"no, no, no, that's okay, you don't have to-"

"CLAY!" nick's voice rang from his headphones, dream rolling his eyes and leaning back in his chair again.

"hey, nick." he said casually with a sigh.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU HAVENT ANSWERED MY TEXTS IN DAYS AND NOW YOU'RE-" george cut nick off before he could finish.

"nick, tell clay we're worried about him, he won't believe me." george grumbled.

"i believe you, i just don't get why you're-" dream sassed before getting interrupted by sapnap.

"hell yeah i'm worried, dude. what's going on? the only time i ever talk to you now is when one of us is streaming." sapnap huffed, leaving dream to think of a response.

"i've just been busy, okay? that's it." in all honestly, he really hadn't talked to anyone outside of streams recently. dream has taken over, leaving clay not much time to socialize.

"busy doing what?" he thought for a moment. 

"umm..." he hummed.

"EXACTLY!" nick yelled. dream was silent. "sorry, i meant... you see why were concerned, right?" dream thought for a moment. both nick and george waiting for his answer.

they did make sense...

"nope." dream lied. he could hear george and nick both groan.

"clay, whatever is going on, we're here. okay?" george's voice was full of aggravation now... and concern. both understandable.

"i told you, there's-" dream started.

"'nothing going on,' yeah. we heard." nick mocked, not even slightly joking.

"so... we done here?" he asked.

shit. this was not the right thing to say.

"what do you mean 'we done here?'" george asked, offended.

"nothing! it just feels like you're just calling to stage some sort of, like, intervention when there's nothing going on and i have work to do." he rolled his eyes again.

"of course you do." george scoffed and left the call, leaving nick and dream.

"what the hell? he's the one getting on my back for nothing!" dream groaned, obviously very aggravated.

"clay... he's just worried and you're not really making this any easier on him." dream rolled his eyes again.

"oh so i should just say hey sorry! i've been feeling like shit recently! that's all! you can feel like you accomplished something for fucking fixed me!" he yelled.

"you have...?" nick's voice was small, like a child's when they're caught making a mistake. dream sighed.


"i don't... i don't know." he leaned back in his chair further, rubbing his fists in his eyes to push back tears.

"wh... why didn't you say anything?" nick sounded ashamed of himself for some reason.

"i don't... like worrying anyone... especially you guys i guess." he mumbled.

"hey," nick found his voice again. "we will never think less of you for feeling bad. never." now it was dream's turn to feel bad. "you just... you seem to forget that you're clay sometimes. like... you're so focused on being dream that you forget clay needs help, too. you're not just the mask, man." this was the breaking point. the flood gates crashed open. all of clay's suppressed tears came rushing out all at once.

what nick said made sense. he's been so focused on being dream... he forgot to be clay. he forgot to be himself. he was sobbing, nick mumbling calming and encouraging things.

"it's okay to cry."

"it'll be okay."

"we're here for you." this last one was george.

when did he join the call again?

"we won't let you lose yourself, clay." a smile pushed itself up through the tears.

"thanks guys. i'm sorry for how i've been acting." he mumbles.

"of course, and it's alright, we've already forgiven you." george says.

clay smiled, he was safe with his friends. he didn't need to hide from them.

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