Run (Chaeyoung)

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Chaeyoung's been running, faster than she's ever run before, and she's been running all her life.


The sound of boots making contact with the warehouse floor was the only thing that could be heard as Chaeyoung ran down the corridors into the main storage area. Looking around at the vast space, she took a second to process her options before turning back around to see the shadowy figure slowly sauntering down the hallway after her.

"All of time and space and I decide to get stuck in a warehouse" Chaeyoung groans to herself before slamming the door shut and locking it, running off to hide.

As she was climbing up a ladder she thought back to when she was still a child, how her mom would always take her hiking late at night. Staring up at the star her mom would always tell her stories, fairy tales, about how every person has their own angel.

"Everyone? Even you mommy?" Chaeyoung asked her mom, looking up at the sea of stars above the pair.

"Yep, you, me, dad, even grandma. Everyone has an angel that's looking down on them" her mom said, pointing up at the stars. "Look, that one there is yours." Chaeyoung looked up in amazement, a whole sky of stars and that one was for her.

The only that her mom forgot to mention was that there was someone else looking at her, someone from below. For every human on earth there's someone from above that looks down on them, protecting them while they live, keeping them safe, mending their heart. At the same time, there will always be someone from below, a yin to the yang, a demon that would come for you when your time was up, and Tzuyu was Chaeyoung's demon.

The first time Chaeyoung noticed Tzuyu was at her mom's funeral, Chaeyoung was only 25 at the time of her passing, Tzuyu was standing by an oak tree far away from the rest of the crowd. A little too cheesy for her liking, reminding her of every sad movie she's ever seen.

That was when it all started, Chaeyoung started to run and she's kept running and running. Lately she's been running faster than she ever has before, and she's been running for all her life. Everywhere Chaeyoung ran to Tzuyu would eventually follow, she had been to every place on Earth and there was nowhere that could stop Tzuyu from finding her.

That was when she remembered, she remembered the stories her mother used to tell her, the stars. Chaeyoung had never considered leaving the Earth to get away from Tzuyu, but it seemed like a promising idea.

So that's what Chaeyoung did, she signed up for the Space exploration unit, eventually being assigned to the S.S. Peach, working as second in command to Captain Momo. Eventually taking over the captaincy when Momo retired, and that's what she's been doing ever since, running from Tzuyu while leading her team.

As Chaeyoung perches on an edge high above she thinks back to all the things her mom used to say. "I really wish you'd have mentioned Tzuyu" She said to herself, but then again maybe her mom didn't know about the demons, only the angels.

Just as Chaeyoung was getting comfortable the sound of the door unlocking jolts her up. She watched nervously as she sees Tzuyu kicking open the door and scanning the warehouse for her. She sits up and watches as Tzuyu walks through the warehouse, ripping the tops off of barrels and destroying boxes in search.

"Just come out, there's no point in running." Tzuyu said in a monotone voice, it was cold and calculated, she was confident in herself.

Chaeyoung tilted her head as she watched Tzuyu tore through the warehouse, bits of wood and metal flying everywhere. Tzuyu slowly made her way right under where Chaeyoung was hiding, and knowing how the universe hates her, the communicator on her wrist goes off.

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