no stars (Twice) Part: Jihyo

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Hi everyone! This is the second part of a story I wrote back maybe 4ish years ago that I decided to post on here so please forgive any bad writing I might have and any cringe you might feel reading it.

ALSO let me know if you want me to finish this since this is the final chapter I have written!

What was Jihyo's side of the story? What did she feel when everything happened and how did she get back on her feet afterwards?

Park Jihyo

Born February 1st, 1997. Leader of 8

March 2022, Jihyo knew that this day would come, and in reality she wasn't too worried, the past seven years with these girls have been life changing, from being absolute nobodies to touring the United States, and even having her own dating scandal, all of it was wonderful but nothing will beat spending her years with her family.

The day came when the team would have to discuss whether or not the nine of them would renew their contracts with JYP. They had agreed a few years back, when Mina had a small hiatus from the group, that they would only resign the contracts if all of them agreed, if even one of them decided not continue this career path all of them would not resign and leave the idol industry as a sign of respect for the others.

JYP decided it was best for the girls to discuss before meeting the executives in the conference room, and that's where they currently were, the nine of them currently in Momo's apartment, all cooped up around the ramen and jokbal they ordered in. Jihyo was the one to bring up the contract discussions, it was very lighthearted, and she didn't think too much about it because why wouldn't they resign? Nobody has ever voiced honest discontent with the company, and they were experiencing another surge of popularity, the likes of which haven't been seen since Cheer Up back in 2016, there were about 0 reasons for them not to resign... right?

"Why don't we put it to a vote?" Jihyo put it plainly "Raise your hand if you want to resign, the resign would be for 3 more years, and then we can discuss again"

Jihyo was the first one to raise her hand, of course she was she was their leader and she felt it was right for her to take the initiative, she was clearly nervous, she was always nervous being first but who else would be if she wasn't. It wasn't until the second hand went up that brought her hopes alive. The third hand made Jihyo's heart skip a beat, once the fourth hand went up she had this feeling inside that she did her job as their leader, making them feel like a family, with the fifth hand going up Jihyo thought they were actually going to do it, all nine of them agreeing to resign. The sixth and seventh came together in unison, they always did things together so them doing it this way was expected, the eight hand that went up was slow and hesitant, they didn't seem to be the most enthusiastic about it so that was something to talk about later with her. But maybe she was hesitant because she knew that she was the last one because when it came down to the last person all eyes were on her and she was clearly sweating a little, the anticipation was in everyone waiting for her to raise her hand but she never did.

This absolutely shattered Jihyo, not only her but the rest of girls, some of them started crying others were too shocked to do anything, the girl that didn't raise her hand was the one crying the hardest, knowing that she let her sisters down. But she must've had her reasons. They never knew that nine or none would end up in none, not this early at least, maybe in a few more years once their careers had died down not at their resurgence. Jihyo was the one that had to break the news to JYP the next morning about their decision, she advised the rest of the girls to take the day to sleep in and she would talk to JYP alone.

Park Jihyo, Leader of Twice D-7 Months. This is her story.

October 19th, 2022

Jihyo woke up this morning feeling cold, despite her clock saying it was 70° in Seoul, she couldn't help but feel a cold shutter run down her spine, today was their last fan meeting and tomorrow was their final concert before disbandment. Even though it had been seven months since their decision, they idea still hadn't sunken in for her, this era of her life was ending, and she wasn't ready, no, she didn't want to be ready. She turned over in bed and slumped her arm over a sleeping Kang Daniel causing him to wake up, yes, they were still together and yes they did move in together, against what the media believed the couple were together and they were going strong.

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