A Blast from the Future

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No once talks enough about this so im going to and I hope you enjoy this


(Barts prov) 

I woke up feeling like something was going to happen today, I dont know what but it isnt going to be good. I was in the living room with Robin, Jamie, Kaldur, Nightwing, Wally, and Beast boy, everyone was doing their own thing I was just staring off into space

"Hey Bart" Jamie said 


"You ok" He asked 

"I just have this weried feeling that something is going to happen and its not going to be good" I said 

That seemed to catch everyones attention cause they all turned to me

"Last time I checked we dont have a mission coming up for another week, so im not sure what it would be" Nightwing said

"Yeah, I dont know I just woke up with this feeling that something bad was going to happen today and it hasnt gone a way" I said

Suddenly the alarm started to go off saying that there is an unknown thing coming into the mountain and that there is an intruder. We all ran to the main room(idk what to call it) and everyone else joined us. We all got into fighting stances and waited for what ever it was to show up. Suddenly there was smoke and then a space craft that I recognized showed up, the moment the door opened and I saw who was inside I bolted

(Wallys prov)

A space craft that looked like the one that Bart came in popped up in the middle of the room. The door started to open and Bart ran away at top speed, next thing we know there was another person chasing after Bart leaving all of us standing there speechless

"What just happened" Batgirl asked

"Im... not sure" Night wing said 

Suddenly both people came running back into the room and started to run in a cirle and all over the place all we could see was red, white, yellow, and green. They were yelling things at each other but in superspeed

"Are you catching any of that" Kaldur asked

"Umm... Im really only catching a few words, they are moving to fast and plus I think they are talking in a different language to" I said 

"Well what are you catching" Artemis asked 

"Well Bart just said that he wasnt going to stop running, then the other guy said that he was going to get him. Bart said something about no the collar. The other guy said something about missing something" I said

"Is there a way you can stop them, they are making me dizzy" Beastboy asked 

"I can try" 

I ran after them trying to stop them, once they saw that I was running after them it was like they both downed 7 monsters because they started to run faster than what they were. I ran back up to the team out of breath

"They...ran...faster..couldnt...get" I breathed out 

"Ill call the Flash then" Kaldur said 

We continued to watch the two run and yell at each other for another 2 minuets and then Uncle Barry showed up. He noticed that there was another speedster and insistently ran after them, after about 20 seconds he was holding Bart with one hand and the other teen with the other apart from each other. I took a good look at the new teen, he had blond hair and the same outfit as Bart but his was Green and Black

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