02 | clumsy sana

227 18 6

1 year ago, September 22, 2019

I occasionally regret not enrolling in college sooner. Maybe if I had, I might have gotten out of this hell hole sooner. You know, I was meant to be at college in 2015, but something came up, and this something took a toll on me at the time. I chose not to join because I wanted a break. But I wish I had begun studying sooner since becoming a lawyer involves a lot of studying. That, however, does not deter me. I've been through worse, so I'm confident I can take a little studying.

I suppose I don't regret it all that much because I got to enjoy my youth over those two years. During those days, I also came to know and understand myself better. I met new individuals and visited out-of-this-world locations. I was even thinking about not going to college at all. But in the end, I decided to do it because something or well, someone urged me to. I'm now in my second year of studying at SNU.

I put on a soft smile as I check myself in the mirror one last time before heading out. Pretty as always. I don't mean that to brag, I mean, can't a girl just admire herself? This pretty face and pretty smile has gone through a ton, so it's just right for me to be proud.

"Jihyo! Are you done yet?!"

"No!" she yelled back through the din of the shower. Jihyo, a girl who has everything sorted out in her life but still can't get ready in less than two hours.

"Well, I'm gonna head out now! I'm about to be late for class! I'll just catch you around campus, yeah? Bye!" Jihyo said something back, but I wasn't able to make out what she said due to it being muffled by the shower. It doesn't matter what she said though because I really have to leave. I hurriedly grabbed my bag from the carpeted floor, making sure all I needed was in there before finally stepping out of our dorm.

The weather outsude is nice. With fall approaching, the temperature is starting to beginning to drop in comparrison to the scorching hot summer. The leaves are also turning a brilliant crimson and orange, making the surroundings a little more colorful to my eyes.

Among the sea of students, I spot a familiar face going in my direction, bringing a small smile to my face as I pick up my pace to talk to her. I wave to get her attention, and it works because she smiles and waves back at me with her signature bunny teeth. My joy fades slightly as I notice she's with her boyfriend though.

"Nayeonie!" I coo when we finally met in the middle. I lock her into an embrace as I plant sloppy kisses on the side of her head while continuously murmuring 'Happy birthday'.

We break the hug after a few seconds. She looks at me with a huge smile on her face, and says, "Thanks, Sana-yah. But, Jesus, couldn't you have saved the birthday kisses for later when we're somewhere private?! You better not have left any lipstick smears on my face or  I'll murder you."

"No, you won't. You adore me far too much. Plus, don't you think I'm too adorable to die so young?"

Her boyfriend, Jinyoung, watches our interaction from the side, with a sweet smile on his face. I can't stop the scoff that escapes my lips upon seeing them together.

I don't really have anything against him. He's a nice guy, he really is. I'm just a little disappointed, is all.

You see, we have this other friend named Jeongyeon. As far as I know, her and Nayeon have known each other since elementary school and those two are practically inseparable. Even though I've only known them for a short time, I can tell that Jeongyeon's feelings for Nayeon go beyond the friendly phases, if you know what I mean.

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