03 | realizations

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"You!" I called out as soon as I saw Jennie and me standing by the entrance of the library. 

Well, it's not me standing with Jennie but you know... my body, I guess?

They both snapped their heads in my direction upon hearing me yell. I ran as quickly as I could to get to them, making me a panting mess once I got to the pair. "Tzuyu-ah, what's wrong?" Jennie asked, but I was too preoccupied, staring at my body in shock. It took a while for my brain to register what exactly is going on, as it should because what the hell even is this? As far as I'm aware, stuff like this is only supposed to happen in books and movies. 

After a few minutes of standing there, looking at each other with puzzled looks, I finally said, "you. Come with me." v

"I'm Sana and you're— you're in my body," I said in a panicked tone because what the hell even is going on? I have yet to hear this person mutter a single word, making me worry if they're even a person. What if it's some monster? Oh my god. 

"I— You— Uhh, you're in my body." Okay, so it is a person and not some shapeshifting monster or whatever, so that's good. Wait—

"Tzuyu?! We exchanged bodies?!" Of course! Why didn't I think of that?! I'm in Tzuyu's body after all so, she must've been in mine! 

Wait, so... I gasped, "You've seen me naked?!" Oh my god, this must be a nightmare. 

"That's seriously your biggest concern right now?" She said while massaging her temples in seeming distress. "We're both girls. Plus, you've seen me naked too because you're in my body so stop being a baby." 

Is she seriously giving me this attitude right now?! 

"Look, Tzuyu-ssi, I'm just as confused and distressed as you are, so would you please stop bitching? I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now, and it won't help our situation either." There. That should teach her to show some respect.

She sat down on the grassed ground with a sigh. She runs a hand through her hair in frustration and says, "I know, I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off as rude. I'm just... not good at dealing with my emotions, and this situation we're in is really messing with me. I'm sorry." How can I be mad at her when she looks so pretty?

Well, she is in my body so...

I sit a couple of inches away from her, and I awkwardly pat her on the shoulder. "I'm not going to tell you not to worry because even I'm panicking right now. I'm sure there must be some sort of explanation for this. We'll figure it out. Together."

She looks up at me, giving me a small smile. 

I don't even believe my own words. We'll figure it out, who am I kidding? How does one simply figure this out?

September 22, 2019

"Oh, okay. Thank you for your help, Mrs. Jung." I tell the older woman with a bow. 

I let out a heavy sigh as I walk back to where Jennie was standing. "It's not in the lost and found either," I announced in defeat. She frowned as she gave me a pat on the shoulder. She made a move to say something by opening her mouth, but she was stopped when her phone suddenly started ringing. I nodded when she asked to be excused for a moment. "Looks like I'm going to have to buy a new phone..." I sighed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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