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Autumn's gone to visit a friend of hers so I'm sort of stuck home alone-ish. Malachi, Mary and my aunt are still around so I'm not exactly home alone. But you get what I meant right?


I am so bored! Like extremely bored.


I started reading a new book! It's The Last Virgin Standing and I'm only on the second chapter but it seems promising. Check it out if you want! Autumn's back. And it's raining. So I'm probably going to get ice cream and start cuddling my pillows again. I know. I'm hopeless. But hey! Hopeless is my middle name! Wait....thats so sad. XD. Anyway. I'll be back of course. You guys know how much I love you. Not. Haha. Okay okay I was just kidding. I do love you guys. I mean, who else can manage to read my extraordinarily boring life? Nobody! So you are awesome sauce! Okay I'll stop being sappy now.


Y'know? I somehow feel like I'm more of a reader than a writer. Like, I've been trying to brainstorm but oh my gosh. It's so hard. One More Year doesn't seem interesting enough. Meh. Might as well continue. I didn't stay up writing for nothing. The Last Virgin Standing is whoa.

If you guys have any books to recommend, I'm open and will most likely read them over the course of this holiday. I mean, it's not even been 3weeks and I've already gone through over 6(over 40 chapters) books. And no they were not short chapters. I think I have an addiction to wattpad. All my physical books have been re-read thousands of times. Thank whoever created wattpad.


I think Summer Angeles(Loridee) is an amazing human being. I wish I knew people like her in real life. Alot of authors seem so awesome. I wonder what would happen if wattpad had a meet n greet with your favourite authors. Oh my gosh that would be so fun! I'd probably be running around all over the place trying to decide which author to start with lol.

Why am I such a book addict geek? Someone help me....


You ever just read a chapter and decide then and there that you're going to have ice cream? That's me. Today I'll probably only talk about books. I'm sorry. You can skip this rant if you want. Maybe it'll be boring. Who am I kidding? It's always boring. XD


I'm very pleased with my luck. I reached into the pack at random and picked out 5 red gummies. Wootwoot!!


I am planning a murder. A certain character named Charlie is begging for murder. Does anyone know where I can get rope, knives, locks and an abandoned cabin? That would be very helpful thank you.

My phone is on 47%!!!!!! 💔💔💔💔


I think I'm going to burn my spaghetti. I don't necessarily know how to cook spaghetti hehe but that won't stop me. I'm still offline since I'm data less. So I can't text anyone. Tomorrow I'm finally going to get data. And not even alot. Probably only 175mb. I know. So sad. Hopefully I'll see all of you, tomorrow.


So you know that chef thing that chefs do when they shake the pack of pasta sauce before opening it? I tried doing that and instead of feeling like a world renowned chef, the packet went flying into my pot of spaghetti. I don't even know how. The good news is, both are still intact. I nearly burnt my hands with the hot water but it was worth it.


The spaghetti didn't burn! It actually came out really good! I just mixed the sauce, chicken and cheese in. I'm too full now but I'm not really complaining. I was about to hurry up and do the dishes but Mary said I was off! I was so happy! Yummy food and no dishes! I am very happy.

Note to whoever I end up torturin-ahem-living with in future: I can't cook. Sometimes I get lucky but uh other times......youre reading the words of a creature who managed to get gravy black and stuck to the pot in less than 2minutes. I also accidentally used the wrong pan once when making cupcakes and ended up having a mudflow looking batch of chocolate cupcakes. On the bright side! I'm not always a kluts. I've managed to bake a proper chocolate cake, mug cakes are super easy and fun to make and as you've seen Today, I can make pasta too! Well, when it doesn't turn into porridge. Jaelynn and I were trying to make fried rice the other day but ended up making porridge rice with spices. Well.....that was an interesting lunch.


Why is it so hard to boil water?! Okay not all the time but I managed to mess that up. I was boiling the water for the spaghetti(not today) and when I put it in, the water was gone! Welp, evaporation hates me.


It's nearly midnight, my phone is on 98% and you know what that means! I'm going to try and pull another all nighter with you guys. Normally I just do it reading but why do that when I can rant about it? Hehe.


Okay so I think I'll be able to stay up. I have 24 chapters to read. That's going to take me throughout the night and probably throughout the day tomorrow so I don't think I'm sleeping. If I Do, I'm sorry I couldn't make it.


I have a song called 'I think you broke my heart again' by Teqkoi and Aiko...I didn't know I had it and I don't know where it came from.. It's uh. Pretty sad. So if you're into that kind of stuff, try listening to it.

And lol I remember during my really early primary years like year 1, we sang the song billionaire by Bruno Mars and Travie McCoy at the end of our Puss in Boots play. Good times. Now I'm wasting away in math trying to figure out where 'x' came into the question.


TLVS is really interesting but rn I'm confused as hell. It's like.....lemme just try and understand what's going on. I would tell you what's happening but for people who want to read it, I would pretty much be spoiling so no. Wow. 1065 words. Am I going to reach 2000? Cause that's pretty long.


I'll only be writing every hour to make sure I don't reach 2000 words. Lol that would be torturing you too much. It's 1:02am now so yeah. I'll write something else soon, maybe. I might go full on reading mode and forget to write every hour lol.


Okay it's 2am and I have 17 chapters left to read. I think I'm moving at a sort of slow but otherwise decent pace. I'm sort of going deep into reading mode so if I miss the 3am update, don't think I fell asleep. I'm still here.


It isn't three yet but I'm not sure I'm going to make it. My lack of sleep from last time seems to be taking it's toll on me. I really want to stay up though so I'll try and hang on. 15 more chapters.


It's 3am! I'm still here! 12 chapters to go.


I'm sorry I failed you but my eyelids feel heavyyyyy. I'm literally half asleep as I'm writing this. See ya in tomorrow's rant.


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