-Chapter 6-

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Everyone looked at me, but I kept my eyes glued on him.  He looked up and met my eyes.

"Wait a minute, Rose?"

I slowly nodded and my eyes filled with tears.  He jumped out of his chair and engulfed me in a giant hug.

"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?"

I recognized the voice as Dabi's seeing as it annoyed me for no reason.

"Shut up Dabi, let me have this."

He rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair.  Todoroki finally let go of me.

"Wait what are you doing here?"

"Long Story, but I could be asking you the same."

"You never answer my questions, you would always make me find out the answer."

"Well how else am I going to keep you smart, not like your sister tried."

I gave him a small smile and he returned it.

From behind Todo Hawks cleared his voice.

"We are still here ya know."

"Oh right, well I've known her since childhood, she's the one that helped me get over my brothers death."

He seemed a bit to happy about that last part to actually believe it.  I didn't have enough information to actually figure out what was going on but I kept it in my mind.

My eyes quickly flashed to Dabi who had his eyes widened for a split second, though he didn't let anybody else see.

"Wait hold up, is this that girl you always said you wanted to see again cause she was like your sister?"

"Oh yeah, this is her."


I jumped from the sudden yelling, though I rolled my eyes when it realized it was Dabi who yelled.

"What is it now?"

"Even then he didn't tell us her real name, he has to know it."

"I do, but I'm the one who gave her the nickname Rose, it's what I've always called her."

"You sly bastard."

"Well I thought him well, he won't break."

I smirked over at Hawks and Dabi who sighed knowing I was right.

"Anyways, speaking of your street name, I have a race that I really need to be won."

"Yeah yeah, but my car got wrecked when I flipped."

"Excuse me?"

"I'll tell you later Todo, anyways not only my car but outfit as well, so unless you have other things or can come up with both in 13 hours then I'm afraid that won't happen."

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