-Chapter 10-

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The car went silent. Well shit, this will be a fun conversation.

"Yagi? As in the biggest mafia to ever exist?"

"That would be the one."

Their jaws dropped. All except Toya's but that was obvious.

"So you're telling me you're related to Toshinori?"

"Well I would hope so, other wise my mother would be lying about who my father is."


"Ahh right let me get the major questions out of the way, yes I'm his daughter, yes he was a good father, yes he was around a lot, no he's not alive anymore, no he didn't leave me anything, and no I didn't want to take over the mafia."

They all went silent so I assumed they didn't have anymore questions. Then Kiego had to open his big mouth.

"Why'd you run away?"


"You said you ran away when you were around 13, and you said your father died like 2 years ago, so why did you run away?"

I thought for a minute. Yes I knew the reason, but did I want to tell it?

"It's complicated."

"We lead a group of loyal assassins who talk nonstop 24/7 about anything and everything, try me."

I took a deep breath, this will be long.

"When I was 13 my mother became very ill, my father obviously could pay for it but the people who had to do the operation didn't want money, they wanted me. In order to save me he sent me off to live with my grandfather, I didn't like that so I ran away and met Midnight who took me under her wing. That's when I learned street racing."

I heard him mumble something under his breath but couldn't quite figure it out.

"If you have something to say speak up or walk home."

Everyone went silent and we finally made our way home.

I turned the card off and noticed Momo get out. When I didn't hear the other two, I looked behind me and saw them asleep leaning on each other.

I gave a smirk knowing exactly how I would wake them up.

I looked forward and saw everyone gathered around seeing what I would do. I heard whispers about it isn't safe waking them up or some shit.

I smirked before laying on my horn.

Let's just say they woke with a start.

I bolted out of the car and booked it to my room. About 5 minutes later I heard banging on door.


"No thanks love, I'm changing and would rather keep my body to myself."

"I swear to god, watch your back we will be waiting."

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