Part 6

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Los Angeles, California, 1989

Duff set his suitcase down and knocked on the door. He had managed to get away for a few days to see Maya and Steven. 

"Ah! You're here!" she squealed.

"Oh my God. You're huge." 

Idiot. You don't say stuff like that to pregnant women.

She laughed and pulled him in for a hug. Due to his height and her rather large bump, it was a bit awkward, but heartfelt nonetheless. 

"God, we missed you. Get inside." She gestured for him to come in.

He looked around. Their house was large but homey. Maya's touch was everywhere. Ah, and Steven's he thought as he caught eye of the drumsticks. Turning his attention back to her, he roamed his eyes over her figure. She was doing much better than she had been earlier in the pregnancy. 

"So how many more weeks?"

"Not sure. Twins are usually a bit early but who knows. I feel giant."

"No, you're beautiful." He blushed a little when she smiled sweetly at that. "Um, it's a girl and a boy, right?"

"Yes. We've already agreed on a name for the boy but we're not sure about the girl. I guess it'll just come to us when she's born."

"What's the name?"

"Not telling you." 

"You're having cesarean?"


"Are you scared at all?"

"Stop harassing her," a joking voice said. Duff looked up to see Steven. A happy, healthy Steven. He felt himself getting emotional.

I'm so happy for you. Both of you.

He clomped down the stairs quickly and pulled Duff into a fierce hug. They split apart after a moment and ruffled each others' hair. 

"You look good."

"Course I do, you asshole."

They stared at each other for a few more seconds and then turned to Maya, who had tears leaking from her eyes.

"Why you crying?" Steven moved to wipe her cheeks.

"Nothing, okay? It's just hormones," she trembled. Both of them looked at her and, for a loss of comforting words, leaned in to give her a hug. Her hiccups became giggles as she became squashed between the two. Duff had her back and Steven was attempting to hold her over her enormous belly, which looked ridiculous. 

They broke apart and Steven grabbed Duff's bag and hauled it upstairs. He followed.

"You can stay here. It's okay?"

"Yeah. More than okay. I get a fucking lava lamp all to my own?"

Steven groaned.

"Don't remind me. It's something she bought spontaneously a while ago. To be fair, all of my decoration suggestions were equally shitty.," he waved his arms around the room. "This is it."

Duff observed him. He really did look better.

"Are you doing okay?" he intoned.

Steven looked at him with wide eyes before and broke into a small, genuine smile.

"Yeah. I am," he said softly.

"She makes you happy." It wasn't a question. Steven looked at him in confusion.

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