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You are here so I am guessing you are a Kurapika simp or kinnie, so I will now bless you with the above picture.
You are welcome.
Also thanks for giving my story a chance. I appreciate all of my readers greatly!


Ugh, my head hurts. Where am I? Is this...a hospital? No, it's far too small to be a hospital. A clinic, maybe. How did I get here? I rack my brain trying to recall any memory before blacking out. Suddenly, piece by piece I remember a vague summary of what happened. Had the boy brought me here? Did he bring me on his own? Where is he? Should I call for anyone? Ugh, did I really fall on my face, again. You would think that since last time I would probably try and fall backwards. Whilst I was mentally scolding myself, an unfamiliar lady, who I could only guess worked as a nurse here, walked in and set a tray of food on a nearby table.

"Oh! You're awake. How do you feel, sweetie? Do you hurt anywhere? Are you hungry?"

I warily nod my head in response to the last question. I try and speak but my throat hurts so much that I can barely mutter out an understandable response. She hands me a bottle of water and I slowly drink it in small sips. I drink it slowly so that my stomach doesn't begin to hurt because I'm essentially dehydrated. *I'm gonna cha ge it to be a mother but I'm really close to falling asleep so I'll do it later *When I was hired at my first job the person working with me enjoyed telling me about how she was trying to get her college education. She was studying at a small community college and wanted to earn her bachelor's in science and education. She would rant about the things she was surprised to learn and about the annoying professors who handed out abd gathered assignments inconsistently and how tired she was. It was always entertaining to listen to her talk about it all so passionately. *I'll edit this part tommorow I'm tired as hell rn* I enjoyed spending time with her so much that eventually I even met her kids. It was strange for a child as young as me to be friends with a woman who was almost triple my age and had a decently stable life, but I guess that's just hoe life works for someone like me. Her sense of humor was a little dry, but sometimes she would make a joke that would have me on the floor laughing. She was the only friend I had ever had, and although I loved her, eventually our paths separated. There had been complaints of people seeing me work, so the resteraunt fired me. I only met with her a few times after. I really miss how she used to dote on me as if I were also her kid. The attention and affection definitely felt nice, but there was always a guilt in my heart after being indulged by the love she had to share. Sometimes I imagine my own mother smiling at me the same way Lucine did.

I was so busy reminiscing that I didn't notice when the young blonde bog came into my room. He stared at me from across the bed, I bet he was waiting for me to talk first. Ha! I mean, he did help me but I can't speak right now. I can still start a conversation, though. I shifted on the bed. Moving into a sitting position caught his attention because, as expected, he focused his attention on me. I pointed to my throat and and made signals with my face and hands that it hurt. I think he understood, if he didn't he probably thought I hit the floor so hard that I now have brain damage. With his attention on me, I gave him the most grateful smile that I could muster. In return he gives me a small, but cute smile.

"You probably can't answer my questions right now, so I think I may just stay here and make sure you don't get bored," he paused slightly and raised his eyes to meet mine while slightly stammering," Oh. Well, only umm, if you want me to, of course. I would never force my company on you."

"Hah!" A laugh bursts out of my throat, followed by a few giggles. It hurt like hell to laugh, but it seemed to comfort him. I winced noticeably and that seemed to catch his attention. In an alarmed tone he began to ask if I was okay. It was adorable that he cared about me. It felt nice.

Grabbing his hand, I managed to say, "I'm fine. My throat just hurts. Calm down."

His alarmed behavior settles down and eventually he starts talking about himself. He sits in a chair near my bed and positions himself to face me directly. I listen to what he says so intently you would wonder if I was studying each word. He told me about his family and his clan, he even told me about his friend Pairo. I loved the way his eyes gleamed with passion and enthusiasm he had for...everything really. When he talked about Pairo he didn't spare not one detail. Even though I had never seen his friend before, I could confidently say I had a clear visual image of him in my head. I didn't notice when my eye lids started to droop or when my breathing became a bit lower. Kurapika's high pitched, squeaky voice was somehow just so soothing. Emphasis on the somehow. I wasn't really used to having conversations this long, so even though I didn't say much I still felt drained. I looked to Kurapika and saw that he too was beginning to seem quieter and less hyper than before. He had even leaned his head on my bed. I guess I wasn't the only that was drained. Before we knew it we were both out cold.

I woke up to the bright sunlight shining directly onto my face. I blinked and tried to orient myself. As I sat up I felt something next to me pulling the covers down. I looked down to find that Kurapika had his upper body on the bed and lower body on the chair. How he managed to sleep in such a position is a mystery to me. I stared at him for a while. The only thing I could think of was, "Wow, he has such nice eyelashes and pretty hair. How are his features so perfect?"

When he started to stir I sat up and poked him. I knew it would be annoying because he looked like he still wanted to sleep, but I was bored and hungry. I poked him again hoping for him to wake up. This time he only squeezed his eyes shut and covered his face with his arms. That wasn't a good idea apparently because when he changed position he shifted his body causing him to lose balance and start to fall down. Hearimg his little squeak triggered my instincts, and I quickly reached for him and managed to grip his shirt. I pulled him closer to me. It was quite difficult if I'm being honest, but Kurapika helped me by slowly and carefully inching closer to me.

"Oh Kurapika. Tch. Tch. Tch. What would you do without me?" I say in a playfully mockful tone. I tap his forehead lightly while saying so. He playfully shoves me and we continue our play fight until the nurse lady comes back in.

{Le time skip because I am tired *me from the future*: lazy [redacted]🙄}

It had been a week since Kurapika had found me. After being nurtured back to a healthy diet, I was finally released into the wild a.k.a I was let go outside to play. Kurapika and I had a lot of fun during my time here. I even met Pairo and the three of us became great friends in a short amount of time. I eventually had to go back to the life I tried to forget while I was here. I knew this wasn't nor could ever be permanent, but I hoped that maybe I could just enjoy myself for the time-being. I had to go back to my mom and everything else I had back "home". Back to the reality I had convinced myself I had left behind.

I wanted to leave before Kurapika woke up, but I felt guilty just thinking about doing that. I decided that when I left I would face him and tell him how he was my best friend. I also wanted to let Pairo know that I would miss him as well. Before I left for the journey back to where I lived, I handed him a photo of us that one of the village elders took of us hugging each other. He was reluctant to take it, but eventually I managed to shove it in his pocket. We hugged and said our goodbyes before I mounted the large docile beast that would return me back to my dreadful reality.

As I was riding away, I felt something shift in my pocket. I carefully pull out the picture of Kurapika and I. I start to laugh. It must have been when we hugged. Aww, he even signed it. That is so cute. Well, maybe one day I will see him again. Hopefully...

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