Convincing Untruths

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The gesture was followed by an escape into a room filled with light. The walls on either side of them were identically lined with lights; under the lights hung a display of various weapons. The two exits at the far end of the room displayed supposed exits to Trick Tower's maze-like paths. After gingerly setting him onto the floor, their exit through the left path wound up leaving Kurapika utterly alone and defenseless. Though there was no doubt in their mind that Kurapika would ultimately be fine even if left alone.

He stirred from his sleep until finally awaking confused in a room void of his partner or anyone else for that matter. His eyelids fluttered harshly while trying to accustom themselves to the harsh lighting. He dragged himself up with the wall as his support and began  taking everything around him in; his gaze settling onto the sign above the right most exit:

"Exit for pairs," was inscribed onto the sign above the right exit. The text was followed by a descriptive warning of the duration of the path as well as its dangers.

His gaze drew to the sign above the left exit. His brows furrowed as he read the sign's warning to the examinees that the passageway was intended for a single examinee. Though there seemed to be more written beneath it, it was not legible due to the natural erosion of the stone plaque it rested upon.

His blood chilled at the panicked thoughts that struck at that movement. Where was Y/n?  Had they left him on his own? They had been together in the dungeon and now there was a collapsed wall and an exit. Clearly someone had had to break through that solid wall that now laid in pieces, creating additional dust for Earth. Had Y/n done it? No, it was simply impossible without high grade explosives. Had someone taken Y/n? Forced them to go along with them? The situation didn't make sense to him, but even so he decided to continue. He walked into the left exit hoping his thoughts were mere paranoia from the lack of blood flow to his head in the past minutes, but the anxiety gnawing at his stomach festered his thoughts relentlessly.

The hairs on his arms stood on end and with each stride his skin became increasingly sensitive to the slight contact between his arms and the course sleeves of his shirt. The hollow feeling in his stomach as he trudged along the hall served as a reminder that this could be a foolish mistake.  As his eyes scanned every wall and dark corner in search for Y/n's familiar figure, Kurapika noticed that the progression through the hall had become somewhat repetitive. It was only when he came across a marker he left for himself to validate his suspicions that the realization dawned heavily onto him:

I'm lost.

"Shit. I've been wasting our time. If anything Y/n is probably looking for me now. Damnit," he muttered under his breath.

With no clear direction, Kurapika ambled towards where he believed to have entered from. The dim lighting provided by some sparse and dingy lamps narrowly allowed him to see the path ahead.

Perhaps that was why he didn't notice that the moistness of his nose wasn't a reaction to the substantial amount of dust in the passage. The worsening headache failed to indicate him of his deteriorating condition as well. His sleeve caught just enough illumination to see that he had been wiping away at blood continually flowing from his nose. The bleeding became more profuse; the warmth now steadily flowing from his nose. A deep and crackly cough rose from his lungs and left his throat raw.

Before walking any further, he forcefully took one of the hanging lamps to better observe his surroundings. Were he able to support himself he may have been able to see the vents exuding noxious gases into the hallway, but his legs could bear his weight no longer....


The Hunter Asssociation claims to redesign and refine every section of the test to avoid repetitiveness, yet I'm certain this model was used during my first year of employment. In fact, there is absolutely no variance between my original design and this version implemented "by the Association" .

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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