Something Feels Familiar

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A/n (author note)
I have a new fear. Its typing:
Instead of

Kurapika's POV

    Before I could question what Y/n said the examiner began to run into the tunnel behind him. Everyone quickly followed behind him. I found his I instructions to follow him, quite simple, but according to Gon the instructions were "weird". Leorio on the other hand was very confident that this was an easy task. Not only did this test our physical stamina, it also tested our mental resilience. Y/n, unlike Leorio or Gon, did not give an opinion on the matter and simply continued to follow Satotz. Although we were running at around the same speed, Y/n and Gon managed to be closer to the front while Leorio and I had both been pushed toward the middle. I was still thinking about what Y/n's opinion on the instructions were, but right now I was mainly focused on continuing to follow Satotz. It didn't seem as if Satotz were speeding up, so why was it that following him became more of a herculean task?

   Y/n and Gon were now right in front of us, and it seemed they were talking about something. I was about to run next to them to talk to them when a boy on a skateboard shows up next to us. Is that fair? We are merely meant to follow the examiner to the first phase of the exam. There are no rules against bringing transportation of sorts. Technically the use of a skateboard is fair.

   Wait, this is the kid from earlier! The one Y/n wanted to help. He must be immune to the laxatives in the juice, to not be visibly affected. Before I could ask about the juice, Leorio starts yelling at the kid.

   "You can't have a skateboard! That's cheating!"

   "How is it cheating? I wasn't told that it was against the rules, so it can't be cheating,"

   "Well, I-its just cheating because this is an endurance test, so you should be running like everyone else!"

   "Well, Leorio you are the one that's been calling it an endurance test," Gon says in defense of the kid.

   "Yeah Leorio. It's technically not breaking any rules. Are you just jealous that he was smart enough to bring a skateboard," Y/n says while smirking.

   "Who's side are you two on?"

   Before Leorio could be more dramatic, I intervene and say, "Leorio.  You're allowed to bring whatever you want to the exams,"

   "Hey, how old are you," the white haired kid asks Gon.

   "Oh, I'm twelve!"

   "Really, I'm also twelve. My name's Killua," the Killua says as he gets off his skateboard in a swift motion.

   "I'm Gon, and these are Leorio, Kurapika and Y/n,"

   "Hey, Leorio how old are you?" Killua asks Leorio. Although it's obvious Leorio's around the age of 27-32. If it's anything over or under that I would be surprised enough to just give up on the Hunter Exa-

   "I'm nineteen years old,"

   "Wait, so you aren't even twenty!" Gon says with a face that shows shock to the upmost degree. I can't say I feel any different because I genuinely could not accept that Leorio was only two years older than me. I didn't know what to say in this situation. Hearing Y/n start to laugh beside me made me forget about the Leorio thing temporarily as I look at them. After Y/n's laughter calmed down, they said,

   "No way! You can't only be nineteen. If you're nineteen then I'm the secret queen of England. I'm sorry, not really, but I just cannot fathom the idea that you're only a few years older than me. It's just that you look so tired and stressed with life. The fact that you dress like a middle aged man kind of makes it seem as if you're older than what you actually are," Then Y/n looks at us and continues to say, "Well you guys weren't going to say it,"

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