Chapter 1: Crashed

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(Y/n's POV)

Things were normal. Things were great. I loved it....but in my life when you love something, change comes and rips you apart from it. I had lived in the Sun (hehe get it) for 15 years and was about to become queen until one night I got curious and walked around at dark. Someone drugged me and everything went black.

Now I'm awake and I'm still confused. I'm in one of the escape pods and my destination is yet to be known. It's been about 15 minutes and I'm getting bored.

-*(Time skip)*-

I had been walking around when there was a lot of shaking. Things were falling down and I was trying not to get hit. I had surrounded myself with a force field I created and sat waiting for it to stop. Then I saw Earth coming closer and closer. That's when it snapped. I entered the atmosphere and that's what caused the pod to start shaking. I gasped and tried to run to the front but slipped on a rag. Then I felt a sharp pain in my head and everything went black.

I woke up when I hit water. I made it to the top and when I noticed a lot of people surrounding the water and I went back under and swam away. I came back up and got out. I used fire to dry myself off and warm up. Right I should mention, I have powers. I can control the four elements, create force fields, and float. I started running. I had no intention of stopping until I my legs got tired and my fatigue caught up with me and I passed out in front of a brick buidling with a sign that said 'Newsboy Lodging House'.

-*(Time skip)*-

I woke up on an uncomfortable matress with boys from ages of 9 to 17 looking down at me. I panicked and backed up against a wall. That's when a boy with a red bandana spoke up,

"Hey, calm down. We ain't goin' ta hurt a pretty goil like you'se." he said, "Right, I'm Jack Kelly, this is Race, Boots, Mush, Skittery, and that's Crutchie. You'll learn the rest later."

I nodded and shyly spoke softly, "I'm Y-y/n"

"Well ain't that a pretty name," Race stated, cigar hanging out his mouth.

The rest introduced themselves and I just sat there silently. I had to explain everything. They need to know. I could just run. When shou-

"How's about you stay here with us. You can be a newsie." Jack said cutting my thoughts off.

(Jack's POV)

I knew it was long shot asking this beautiful goil to stay with us. I mean we're a bunch of dirty boys. Oh, but her eyes were beautiful. They were like mini (e/c) colored galaxies.

 They were like mini (e/c) colored galaxies

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Basically like this but your (e/c)

She spoke up a few minutes later,

"S-sure," she started, "but I need to explain some things."

We all agreed and decided to give her the single bedroom that was in every newsboy lodging house. She had a small bag with what assumed to be clothes.

(Y/n POV)

I went into the room and got dressed in some (f/c) short-shorts and a (s/f/c) (second favorite color) sleevless crop top (she normally wore that at home so that's she had) I put the rest of my things up and walked outside to an area that looked like a living room where all the boys were. I sat down and everyone took that as a cue to gather around me. I sighed and explained everything to them. They didn't believe me at first about my powers but all it took was creating and holding a simple flame in my hand and they were convinced.

Some of the younger newsies were intrigued and I decied to grab a few and put them on my shoulders and back and started floating and flew around the room. They loved it and all the other younger ones wanted a turn so I kept doing that until I was tired. I put them down and told everyone I was going to bed.

"Ok then, we'll see you tommorrow for your fist day of selling," Jack said smiling. I smiled back and walked to my room. I shut the door and layed down. I rethought everything that happened until my eyelids got heavy and I drifted off.

(Jacky-boy's POV)

As I watched the younger newsies enjoy being flown around by Y/n I knew she was perfect at taking care of children. I could already tell they would love her, considering she'll be the closest thing to a mother these poor boy's have. After everyone had at least three turns I could see she was getting tired. I was correct and she said she was going to sleep.

"Ok then, we'll see you tommorrow for your first day of selling," I said as she smiled at me and walked upstairs.

After a little while longer staying up and talking about how she wasn't from here and was way different than we thought Crutchie spoke up,

"She seems nice. Maybe I can ask if she knows how to make friendship braclets! Maybe if she does she can teach me! I just wanna let everyone know they're my friend! Maybe we can be best friends even!" Crutchie gushed over learning about how to make friendship braclets. That's when I noticed how late it was getting.

"Hey everyone! We should head to bed, it's getting late." Everyone agreed and walked upstairs. Some were getting ready for bed and some, mostly the younger ones, went straight to sleep. I peeked in at Y/n and saw she was curled in a ball with her (h/l) (h/c) draping over the pillow. She was sound asleep. I smiled and closed her door and when to get ready for bed. 'We have a long day tomorrow' I thought as I drifted of to sleep.

(a/n: I did it! I finished the first chapter! Anyway to tell me what you think and if you want me to dedicate a chapter on explaing Y/n's backstory. I'll try to upload everyday so keep a look out tommorrow!

Stay safe my Bubbles! Peace out!

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