Chapter Four: Strike

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(Y/n POV)
I woke up with a rag on my forehead and feeling sweaty. I heard a lot of clamoring and walked to the door. When I looked out I saw everyone getting ready so I scrambled to go get clothes.

-*(Time Skip)*-

I walked out with Mush. We got along really well but we were now arguing about chicken being a white meat. (as disappointing as it is, this is a real argument me and my sister had) I was about to win but Jack cut in and told us to stop. I ran up to Jack to say good morning but ran into a pole and hit my head. Jack started laughing at me while I tried to readjust my vision. I wiggled my head and started walking again. Jack still chuckling at me as I tried not to fall over. We got to the distribution center. We all complained at the headline, it said, 'New newsboy price, 60¢ per hundred'.
I had to make a response.
"I don't know if it's just my vision being bad but if that's what I think it says then Weasel will be seeing out of one swollen eye." I glared at him and for the first time saw him flinch. He quickly regained his posture and told us its a good day for a raise.
"If we don't buy papes, then nobody buys papes," Jack said thinking he was smart. He's just an idiot.
"Like a strike?" Davey said.

And so is he.
Everyone had mixed opinions and I was think 'it's my second day and I'm already about to lose money from teenage boys being stupid'
We went to the statue that was in the middle and I started tuning out until I heard...singing?
I looked up to see them singing and dancing. I just joined them and before you know it Jack was heading in to tell Pulitzer to take back what he did. Him and Les were thrown out. They need to cut Mr. Pulitzer a little slack, his daughter died a couple days ago from what I've heard. (that was actually confirmed) He's allowed to be a little upset. He started sending people to a ton of different foreign places and when he said Brooklyn everyone looked down.
"Aww come on Brooklyn. Spot Conlon's territory." I immediately raised my hand and ran to the front.
All the newsies looked at me like I was insane. Jack chuckled and said the only way he would let me go was if him, Davey, and Boots go.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I said walking away.
"Where are you going?" Davey asked
"To Brooklyn, where else?" I replied tilting my a little.
"Would'a be patient?" Jack piped in.
"We got ourselves a reporter," he said smiling. I looked to see a tall man standing there. He looked kinda rich. He had a suit and everything.

-*(Time Skip)*-

We had just left the diner with the man, he said his name was Denton. We were finally on our way to Brooklyn.
"So Jack, I was thinking, I need to come up with answers to questions like 'why did you become a newsie' and 'what's your newsie nickname' and stuff like that. I said tapping my pointer fingers together. (👉👈)
"Well if they ask why you became a newsie, then say your parents died. If they ask you newsies nick name uhh...." he said trying to think of one.
"I heard she beat up the guy with fire, so maybe Phoenix?" Davey suggested. I looked to him with stars in my eyes and nodded eagerly.
"Alright then Phoenix," Jack said.
"If they ask where you're from'se parents were from.......Georgia and they wanted to send you here for a fresh start away from where they died." He said. I looked down.
"What's wrong Y/n? You finally get to meet da King of Brooklyn!" Boots said comforting me with a warm smile. I tiredly smiled back with a few tears in my eyes. I just haven't had friends like you guys since my cousins had to leave." Boots gave me a big hug and I hugged him back tightly.
"Alright, alright enough of da sappy stuff, we got a king ta convince," Jack intervened. We made it halfway across the bridge before I looked over at the water before Davey tapped my shoulder and I caught up with them.
"So is this Spot Conlon guy, is he dangerous?" Davey asked. Jack and Boots started laughing.

-*(Time Skip)*-

We were walking on a dock and some guy got in front of Jack but I wasn't paying attention and ran right into him.
"Hey watch it- ohhh, well if it ain't a little lady," he smirked. I glared at him. Jack tried to say something but Boots held him back.
"Well don't get mad pretty lady," he bent down by my ear, "I won't be to rough."
My eyes widened and I stomped on him foot and get him across the face and kicked him into the water. Everyone looked at you with wide eyes and little did you know a certain king was watching all of it.

(A/n: haha cliffhanger ;) anyway sorry this took so long but I strayed school today and felt really not in the mood to write but I finished and I'll still try to upload everyday. Tell me what you think and I hoped you enjoyed! Stay safe my Bubbles! Peace out!)


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