What Have I Done?

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Co-Written by @omfqkaylaa! All characters, and plots belong to Kamanda Publishing Corps! Plagiarism of any kind will be punished! We hope you enjoy High School Sucks.

(A/N: Picture of Danny and Gavin^)

After Shawn had kissed me today, everything including classes and the day went by quickly. Before I knew it, it was 10:00 at night, and I was still staring at my ceiling replaying todays events in my mind. I couldn't fall asleep but finally at 1 in the morning!Oh and guess what? I fell asleep dreaming about what had happened in the staircase. I still couldn't believe it was in a staircase. A school staircase.

When morning came, I realized it was not 7:30, when I'm supposed to wake up, but 8:00! Why didn't mom wake me up? I rushed to shower, dress, and shoved some breakfast down my throat before running to school with my also late twin.

First period had just started, and I was beyond noticeably late. I quickly ran to my locker, fumbled open the lock, and shoved my stuff inside of it.

Not a moment after I closed my locker, a guy came behind me and wrapped his arms around me. When he did that, I felt a strong heat wave pass over me and I began to blusha deep red. My heart began to race, Why? Why me? Why with any guy who touches me. But I had to admit, he was a little close.

I realized that the guy is Gavin James, the popular guy in school. I suddenly remembered him from when we were little, in 4th grade, maybe. He hadn't changed a bit besides the fact that he didn't look like he ate a bowl of ice cream or junk food in ages and his teeth weren't knocked out his mouth like when we were yonger. He was one of those boy who had his front two baby teeth missing for years. He had handsome hazel brown-green eyes and his hair was a short-cut dark brown. He was wearing a white shirt that hugged all his muscles perfectly, and black jeans that hung from his hips and gammas.My gosh, he was perfect.

"Need any help, beautiful?" He asked, pulling me out of my gazing daydream. He was suddenly being very nice, which made him even more hot. His hair is so tempting, I just want to run my hands through it and tug on it-...NO! YOU LIKE SHAWN! NOT GAVIN!!!

But I had never felt this way before. It was all so confusing.

I was once again snapped out of my day dream by Gavin saying, "Hello, beautiful? Are you going to reply?"

"....Huh?!?... Oh hey, Gavin...." I said, mentally face-plaming myself. I can't imagine how stupid do I sound. Probably a lot.

"Wanna know what I want for my birthday?" He asked, not expecting an answer because he answered it himself.

"Ummm what?" I replied turning around away from my locker.

"YOU!" He whispered in my ear, ever-so-slightly brushing his lips against my ear before he smashed his lips on mine. It seemed as if he kissed me like he would never kiss anyone again.

His tongue plunged into my mouth, exploring every inch and enjoying it. A moan slipped from my lips, causing him to smirk against our long-lasting kiss. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

No! NO! I like Shawn! Shawn! Not some guy I knew when I was younger and have never spoken to ever since! Shawn! Not Gavin! Shawn!

His hands traced lower and lower until they reached my butt. Now he was going to far, but I couldn't help myself. He was so damn cute. He grabbed it making a muffled moan to come from me.

He pulled away with a grin on his face. His smile was so perfect with his pearly white teeth and fresh minty breath.

"Your lips taste like chocolate." He mentioned, and I then remembered I made hot cocoa and drank it on my way here. When he said that, my face burned up and a shy smile formed on my face.

I then felt uncomfortable with how close he was to me so I slid away from him. And when I did, I saw eyes filled with pain and betrayal staring into mine .

Oh no! What have I done?!?!!

Tears flooded down his cheeks and he turned around, paused and then walked away.

"I hope today was your birthday, because that was the first and last time you'll ever have me." I muttered to Gavin, who was grinning but then immediately stopped.

What have I done?





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