Meeting His Family

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Co-Written by @omfqkaylaa! All characters, and plots belong to Kamanda Publishing Corps! Plagiarism of any kind will be punished! We hope you enjoy High School Sucks.

(A/N: Gavin's house above^)

Gavin's POV.

We got into my car and drove off.

I looked over at Danielle and she looked so adorable. She was playing with her finger nails and you could see the little dimple on her left cheek. Her eyes sparkled, but they turned to the darkest brown.

"You OK, babe?" I questioned her, noticing that she was nervous.

"Umm, yeah, I'm just a little nervous. That's all." She replied, glancing at me.

"Don't worry, they will love you. Oh, and don't mind my siblings they get very...curious when they meet someone new."

"How many siblings do you have?" She asked, curiously.

"Five. My oldest sister is Naomi who is 20, my older brothers Michaels & Ryan who are 17 and 18, then me,then my little sisters Haven who is 6and Celeste who is 3."

"W-wow...big family."

"And an annoying one at that. But we all get along. So I guess it's okay." I replied.

Danielle's POV

Oh my god! This place was huge! It looked like a house a celebrity would live in!

Gavin saw my expression towards the house and started to laugh.

We started walking towards the door. He opened the door with his key and before I knew it, all of his siblings surrounded me with their welcoming hugs and warm smiles. I was pulled out the nice and comforting hug by Gavin to greet his parents.

Gavin looked exactly like his father, except only a younger version.

"Hello and welcome to the family. My name is Mark and this is my wife Samantha." The father greeted me warmly, taking me in for a nice brief hug.

I looked into Mrs. James eyes before we hugged, and realized they were hazel.

I looked in Mr. James eyes and they were green.

I started to look at the detail of the amazing house, but I was picked up by a strong, tall, and handsome being. Gavin.

He ran with me in his arms, upstairs to his room, closed the door and locked it before his family could ask any questions.

Gavin's POV.

I gently put Danny down on the floor. She looked around and a smile made its way on her face. She looked so happy. She ran over to my desk and grabbed the RubrixCube that was never finished because my laziness.

I looked at her and studied her face. She was so entertained and very concentrated with the Rubix Cube.

I went into my closet to get a shirt to change into because the one I was wearing was getting annoying.

When I looked back at Danny, she finished the Rubix Cube and placed it on my desk. Wow, she was fast.

I soon took off my shirt and felt some small hands go up my back. I turn around to see Danny with a small smile on her face; she looked very concentrated on something.

"Nice muscles babe." She said matter-o-factly.

"Thanks I try." I responded.

"Can we go downstairs, now? I want to get to know your family!" She whined, pulling my arm.

"In a minute, OK? I promise." I told her and she nodded.

I heard her little British accent in her voice come out, and I don't think she noticed.

A minute later, as I promised, we went downstairs and sat in the crowded living room.

Danielle's POV.

Soon, his twin brothers started asking me questions.

"Where are you from?" Michael asked.

"And do you have any siblings?" Ryan asked at the same time.

"I am from England and I have a twin brother and two older sisters." I answered, chuckling at their curiosity as Gavin said they would have.

"I can tell you're from England; I can hear your accent. Its very strong." Naomi noticed.

"Well, thank you." I replied, smiling.

And his little sister Haven asked me, "Where's your Mommy and Daddy?"

"They're at home. Why?" I chuckled, as she scooted next to me on the couch.

"Because, we want to meet them too!" She replied sweetly, like it was very obvious.

Everyone started laughing. The room was filled with happy faces and laughter.

Later, when dinner was ready, we all sat around the table to eat the amazing food that was cooked by Gavin's master chef mother. There was roast chicken, meat loaf, mashed and baked potatoes, gravy, macaroni and cheese, smiley fries, and chicken nuggets obviously for the kids. Oops?

After dinner and all the laughs, we said our goodbyes everyone, and drove back to my house.





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