Chapter 1 - The birth

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[Lilith's POV]

He was so small, so adorable in my arms. His tiny face, that button nose. My baby, my baby boy. I look at Zelda as she ushers the other female witches out the room.

"Thank you Zelda. You didn't have to do this." My voice slightly raspy from my recent screaming.

"There's no need to thank me, you were in need of help." The red head comes towards me, "may I?"

I pass her my baby to her and watch her put him gently in a cot. She then comes back towards me and helps me out my dress then begins to clean me up.

I stare at her. She's exactly as I remember. Fiery red hair and pale skin.

She helps me into a clean dress then goes back to my baby and starts to clean him.

"Do you have a name for him?" She says softly, finally braking the silence.

"I thought about calling him Adam, I think it suits him." I reply then I smile as I hear and satisfied purr from the witch.

"I think that's perfect for him, definitely suits him." She picks him up then places him in my arms. "He looks just like you."

I purrs as I stroke his cheek. "Thank you, really, after all I did to you, I don't deserve this generosity."

I see her purr and stroke Adam's forehead lovingly. "It's okay Lilith, I couldn't leave you in pain." She blushes softly and looks away slightly before whispering, "I could never let you get hurt, I care so much about you."

I blush as I hear her whisper but then thinks I'm just imagining it. How could she love me anyway? She has Marie now, she doesn't need me. I bite my tongue slightly as I begin to speak, "so you're with Marie now? Or did I get the wrong vibe from you both?"

Zelda chuckles softly. "Just a couple flings with her here and there, nothing serious."

Nothing serious?! Maybe I do have a chance, maybe I wasn't imagining what she said. There was always a vibe I got from her but did she feel it too? I sigh as I try to stop my thoughts, knowing I'll most likely get heartbroken again.

I see Zelda go near the door, "I'll leave you with Adam for a bit, give you a bit of privacy, I'll check on you again soon." She waves slightly before leaving and closing the door behind her.

I breath out heavily and cuddle the cooing Adam. "Oh Adam, what do I do with my feelings? It's all so confusing." I smile softly as I see Adam smile and babble. At least I have my little baby no matter what happens.

To be continued..

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