Chapter 2

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       The drive didn't seem to take to long but my thoughts flooded over me to keep my mind occupied.   The vehicle was in park, it had been for a few seconds that felt like minutes ticking by. I shut the engine off with a flick of my wrist. It whines before it stops prattling and seems to enjoy the rest. My hand finds the handle as my body guides itself out of the seat and slams the door back shut. Dollar general, the place to find everything you need only if you can find it. It was like a little kids room, the employees that work here simply just didn't care. Walking into the store I start my mad hunt for the potatoes. Hectic as it always was, the cat food was by the toilet paper selection and the kitty litter was in the cereal isle. Personally we had never gotten a cat, or really any animal of that sort. Mother said it would shed like the heavens blessings upon the house, and dad was worried he would squash the poor thing or it wouldn't eat our food. Well just imagine that it's not like he does either. Ah ha found them right next to the toothpaste. It didn't sound like a great mixture  between the griminess of the potato skins slash the minty fresh, ultra whitening cream. Luckily there was no choosing to be done on what brand to buy, only one brand was available. It was the small blessings in life. Grabbing it and hauling it over my shoulder my tennis shoes squeaked on the floor as zig zagging through the cluttered mess became difficult. My front leg bent at a awkward angle trying to make it to the check out area, it catches. I lunge forward in a last minute effort to fling the potatoes onto the counter. Good news was they hit the counter with a thud; bad news was when my leg caught my whole body weight guided me down not to graciously. Hitting my face on something metallic, black dots swarm my vision. I had not yet passed out in my life time, a part of me wished to know how it would feel, another part of me said to get your chicken nuggets together and get up. Passing out was not a option sadly even though my body would be down for some much needed rest. Climbing to my knees i slowly left my head, or try to. Frustrated as to why my head refused to go up, I recoil and rank my head up with a loud slam. Wait with a slam? My eyes scan underneath me to where a shovel lay, the side of it coated with just a little bit of blood. My fingers shakily go to my nose and gently feel. The pain then crept in now that the excitement was gone. Curling my fingers around the bridge of my hurt nose delicately, my feet go once again to push myself up and walking. My other hand that is not occupied reaches for a shelf to grip, to hoist myself upward.
       "I'm done with this piece of single hobo on a tree! You hear me done!" Kicking the shovel out of my path, holding my nose which I'm sure is bleeding profoundly now, I go to the front where my loyal potatoes lie and wait for me. Why would you put a freakin shovel right where people walk. What kind of idiot wouldn't pick it up. Grumbling my eyes scan for someone, anyone actually to check me out so that I may be on my way.
       "Hello?" I rudely yell. Rude was normally far from what normally what might have come from my mouth, but my throbbing head tended more on itself then anything to do with manners. Now that I think about it no one heard me fall or came to check on me. No one was here to great me when I entered the store.
      "Hello?" I hear myself yell louder again. Where was everyone. It was strange to see no one on their cell phone walking aimlessly around the store. Glancing around the store there was no one in my vision. It seemed like endless minutes as my ears awaited a answer to ensue, it never came. I was clearly not back tracking through my crowded journey to go look for the lazy bums. Instead leaving the money on the register and looking around one last time.
      Feeling like a thief was not the best feeling in the world. I could only hope the store manager wouldn't call the cops on me. It was very doubtful though, the phone would be too far for them to pick it up.
      The rusty smudged doors opened with a squeal as it detected my moving body across the scanners or however that worked. My mind started spinning with images as bored toddlers to ten year olds pressing their grubby faces against the cool glass, waiting for their mothers to be done with their wretched shopping. I could remember those times. Feeling hopeless as her cart with the squeaky will navigated through the less cluttered isles. The glass was cool and it was much fun to press my nose into the hard glass and watch it fog up until mother caught me and took my hand. She would drag me to the back of the store and spat my hiney saying "Everlee! Why on earth would you do that. That glass has so many germs that you just inhaled. Dear Lord you probably already caught a cold." She would harp in her angry whisper voice. After that I would only venture off when she was busy talking to a Church woman about who they should pray for and why. It was boring all and all until she would catch me again and give me the same talk and spatting.
      The potato's weighed heavily on my arm as the door unlocked with a click and opened, allowing me to put them in the passenger seat comfortably. I hoped in myself and started the poor engine. After a minute or two of fighting with the steering wheel to turn as it backed up, it headed back down the long road we came from. Me thinking about the lazy bums and memories from that dollar store.

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