Chapter 6

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I stepped through the door the air brushing past me, turning I looked at the veil between me and my farther. It was thick, and heavy, fear rattled my veins on what could be lurking on the other side. The door never opened again, the nurse halted in her pursuit staying locked away on the other side, what she believed was a safety. I walked closer to the veil, my gut begging me to stay away, but what did it know it was only my father the man that raised me. Approaching the veil my eyes crept up the hospital bed to see scrawny legs bolted to the bed that began to look more and more like a prison with each passing step.


I called again before my whole body went ridged; my pupils took in the horrific scene. That was not my father, it could not have been. My whole body launched itself backward my heart echoed in my ears. Lying in front of me was a dead man. His lifeless hands dangled off the table, the restraints the only thing keeping them there. His skin looked pale, but not as in the sick kind of pale, it was almost rotting falling off, it wrinkled in ways unimaginable. His eyes lay open, sunk into his head. His lips parted looking as if he was trying to breath but no air was given.

My mouth gapped in aww of what lay before me. My body refused to move forward, the lizard part of my brain involuntarily taking control. Iv's hooked into his veins but the substance now leaking from within the holes created was like tar. Black, blacker than anything I could ever imagine combined. The monitor hummed in an erratic sequence until my ears finally picked up on. I stood there for a good few minutes unmoving, focused on what lay before me. I could hear the nurse begin to bang on the door; all my senses were heightened now, noticing things that were not significant before.

I stood there waiting, watching his unmoving body in shock. Until my eyes were drawn to something, something so small that disturbed the utter stillness, of his body. My eyes focused in on his finger, it twitched sporadically, slow at first until becoming violent enough to awaken his other four one at a time, they jerked and grasped in vein. The black tar leaked into his cuticles.

My hands began to shake, my feet beginning to fight to stay planted. The monitor still hummed, in my ears but not as loud as my heart, my adrenaline shot. My pupils continued to watch his thrashing fingers, until my eyes became distracted with another obscure thing. His gaunt mouth began to twitch, just the same as his hands did in the beginning. His colorless crusty lips opened and shut, almost trying to lock unto something. He began to grind his teeth, regaining the use of his jaw, and arms. He began to flail them pushing against the restraints desperately trying to break free.

It was out of a horror scene. As his body continued to spasm all over, my feet finally broke free from their state of restlessness and flew to the door. I reached for the handle quicker than I ever thought was possible and turned, and turned again, my wrist being wretched back and forth. The nurse on the other side looking back at me, her eyes wide in utter horror, as hard as I tried the door would not open, my body started throwing itself against the wooden frame, trying to force its way through, the thought of me staying in here one second longer became too much to bare. Just as a little kid running up the stares from the monster that they couldn't escape but knew that it was lapping at their heels.

"Let me out!" Tears formulated in my eyes dripping down my cheeks, my fingers still clawing at the handle like a wild animal. The table behind me began to shake and groan, the restraints being tested with the growing force.

"I I I can't, they told me whoever goes in there must not come out!" She baffled out as the tears came pouring down her cheeks as well. Her face showed how scared she was, of how she had never seen anything like this in all of her life.

"Let me out!" I began to scream louder, fear shook my body as my ears picked up upon a certain sound of something snapping, only once and only for a split second. My eyes widened realizing the restraint had broken from the sheer force.

"He is breaking the restraints please!" I cried and looked into her eyes pleading, she looked back into mine.

Another snap caught my ears attention, and the table groaning of someone thrashing side to side. Her eyes widened more than I thought possible as she tore her eyes from mine into the back of the room. Immediately my head snapped around involuntarily. The blue curtain was being tossed this way and that, until it gave from the ceiling, reviling my father, only being held by his ankles. His eyes locked unto me, unwavering unmoving then he lunged trying to crawl his way to me, falling off the table but still being held by the two flimsy restraints on his ankles. There should have been pain, he should have broken something from the angle he landed in, but he was still very much trying to crawl towards my warm body.

I pushed myself to the door plastering myself against it, no longer trying to escape but rather trying to convince myself this was real. Finally the door gave against my back, I tumbled backward unto the tiled floor, the door immediately being slammed shut again and locked. My body pushed itself away and scrambled into the opposite wall as far as it could get away from the creature.

The nurse fixated her gaze to me now, but my eyes did not move from the door, from the place I had been standing only seconds ago. Fear trapped us both into staying like this. Both unmoving, both terrified to our inner core.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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