Chapter 4

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     Looking at my alarm clock I growned as it blared in my ear. Sleepily I swung my arm towards the little, metal machine, trying to find some sort of relief. It fell to the floor with a loud thud. Getting up it was all a haze as getting dressed was a normal routine. I went to go downstairs, the stairwell slightly creaking under my weight. A noise was coming from the kitchen, it was too distant to make out what it truly was but it sounded like mom might be munching on some cheerios for breakfast. Excitement went through me. I could eat with her today, most mornings were spent eating with her, but there was just something so exciting about starting the day off by seeing her. Sure, after the mornings life hit her in the face and we went back to the same routine of her griping at the world, but mornings were excluded from that time of resentment. As I got closer to the kitchen my stomach started churning viscously, quickly I blamed it on the lack of food. Turning into the door way of the kitchen with a big smile spread across my face, my heart stopped, everything stopped. Green eyes bore into mine, except they weren't the green eyes I knew. There was nothing behind them, emptiness filled them. It was there crouching over what I thought might be the bloody remains of a person maybe. There was blood plastered along all of the walls, splatters of dark red meat stained the cabinets. My brain refused to believe that those eyes, the eyes that played my little ponies with me on rainy days, those innocent eyes that never would hurt anyone, those eyes that bore into mine as chewing on a hunk of red gory meat couldn't have been my farther. It was too unreal. The creature continued to smack its jaws together and with jerky uncoordinated movements before going back for seconds. Its teeth grated against bone, the slipring noise reanimated itself again. "Mom..." I hear myself mutter out. Dad, no the creature snapped its head towards me, the meat hanging from his unhinged jaw. "Dear Josephat," was all I could say. Its jerky movements started to make its mangled limbs lurch forwards towards my body. It was reaching for me, its grimy fingers were covered in blood and flesh looked to be hanging from its fingernails to were it tore into its victims flesh. I started to back up but the creature already began to pull itself forward, towards the moving warm body scrambling to get away. Stunned and in shock I hit the back of the stair case wall trapping myself. The creature let out a vile gurgling noise as it grabbed my sock, along with my ankle and wrenched itself forward towards its new victim. Finally taking to my senses, I started for the bathroom door. Its cold fingers dug into my flesh leaving blood smires where its cold blooded hand used to be. My sock immediately was taken from my moving foot trying to scramble for purchase on the slick floor. The prying fingers finally slipped off grabbing hold of the remains where my foot had been seconds before. I slammed the bathroom door and locked it. My fingers shook, my whole body shook. What did I just witness, what just happened. The door shook and the next second a scratching noise came from outside, just like a cat wanting in. The scratching intensified as the creature tried to pry the wooden door from its hinges. Until the door clicked and the lock was undone. Revealing the hungry green eyes once again screeching like a banshee, it lurched for me. The cold, lifeless green eyes the very last thing I ever saw.
Sunshine hit my face warming my skin, it was not welcomed. Morning came to quickly, the night was to short. It felt like  I had not slept a wink but in reality the whole night I had never stirred. My dream flooded back to me all at once, making my head swim. My heart beat picked up in speed, it was all coming back, every horrid detail. The eyes, the meat dripping from its mouth, the fingernails with flesh underneath them it was all too real. It felt real, like I was still in it, but I couldn't be right? It was all just a bad dream I kept telling myself as getting dressed became a whole lot quieter.
It was time to head downstairs and by now I had worked myself into a frenzy of what would be waiting for me down there. I had to remember it was all a dream, nothing like that would ever happen, it was impossible. Slinking against the wall, I pushed my body not to make a single noise, fear gripping me from the depths of my soul.
No sound came from the kitchen as my ears eagerly itched to hear something. Continuing to slink around the corner into the kitchen I took a much needed gulp of air, and glanced around the door frame. There was my mother, eating cheerios like normal, seeming to be engulfed in a magazine with a shirtless firefighter with rippling pectorals, and a bare chest. I always wondered what she chose to use for her viewing pleasures in the morning and now it was all to good to be true.
She visibly jumped throwing the magazine onto the floor behind her. A look of surprise plastered on her face.
"What do you want?"
She snapped at me after the shock had worn off. Today was just turning out to be peachy. Relief flooded over me as I realized that she was still alive even if spiteful at that. Her grim expression clearly said she was not happy about being caught red handed with a hot guy magazine.
"Oh, nothing, just coming to tell you that I'm off to piddle around the farm."
My appetite was gone from just remembering everything that had happened, and fresh air sounded like a good idea.
"Whatever, just don't track any dirt in when you get back, and check on your farther at some point."
She definitely did not like the fact that she was caught. Reluctantly I moved to leave shouting over my shoulder.
"Dad bods are more appealing this season, no one likes to sleep on a rock!"
I could hear her spoon drop from a mile away, it was so worth the tongue lashing I would get later on. Off to the shop I trudged to make sure no horrid movie scene waited for me there either.

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