We dont want you here.

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[foul language from this chapter too all the rest]

{party music in background}
Setting: bar

JJ is sitting on a stool on a bar like table with a bar tender on the other side of the table Making drinks and cleaning.

A man walked into the bar and sat beside JJ. She looked at him and they made eye contact and smiled.  "What's a pretty girl like you doin in a bar this late at night" the man said with a southern accent. She laughed, while stirring her drink with a straw. "Let me buy you a drink" he asked her while getting his wallet out. She notices a gold ring on his fourth finger, it was gold and had a lion in the middle of it.

"Are you married" she asked him, he laughed then looked down at his ring. "Oh uh no..it's a family ring" he said while smiling and looking at her. "Uh so that drink" he said coming back to reality. "Uh yeah" she laughed.

They laughed and talked for a while.

She put her hand out but not where the man could see, she made a movement with her hand, she made the letter F in sign language. As soon as she did that to men behind her and the man started to fight and the man quickly turned around, but as soon as he turned around JJ quickly put something in his drink being carful he didn't see. The bartender quickly broke up the fight and threw the two men out.

The man started to drink his drink and they started to talk more.

"Hey uh do you want to go to my place" she asked him. "Uh yeah sure" he said to her with a weird look.

They got to the car and as soon as the man sat in the seat he fell straight asleep.

Time by
At the factory
In the basement
(Terrigation room)

The man was tied onto a chair in a dark room with just one light right above him. He started to freak out and yell.

"Oh come on, you had to have seen this coming Robert" JJ said sitting in a chair then getting up and stood in front of Robert. "Quite sad actually" she said then removed the cloth from his mouth. "Where the hell am I" he said angered. "Where's my money" she said impatiently. He then looked as if he just remembered and let out a long breath. "Hmm well I guess you'll just have to stay here then" she said then smiled and walked away. "Wait...WAIT" she didn't listen and walked away.

6 months later
Setting in the factory
Pool table room

"We haven't been on a mission in a while boss, I'm running out of money" a guy said while playing pool with JJ. "Then go get some money it's not my priority" she said and smiled while making a ball into a hole. "Yes!" She said happy.

"Hey guys" Liam said and walked in. (JJ's ex) everyone groaned. "Oh come on" he said smiling. "I don't trust him boss" a man whispered in her ear.

"Do you need something" she asked him, "what I can't hang out with you guys" he asked. Everyone looked at each other. "No" everyone said. He walked out of the room and JJ followed him. "You hurt them to Liam"  JJ said to him leaning on the door way. He sighed, "I know" he said then turned around to face JJ. "I know I messed everything up Jane...JJ, I'm sorry okay why can't you accept that" he said defensively. She sighed. "Your right" she said with no emotion. He was confused she had never said that before. "You did mess up, you can stay here Liam but you can't just think everyone is going to want you here" JJ said calmly.

Liam sat down in a chair and sighed. "Do you want me here" he asked her. She looked at him for 2 seconds then walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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