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"The boss is on her way I'd advise you too tell us where her money is" a man said with his arms crossed in front of two other men holding weapons. Another man a crossed from the three men was against a wall in a dark alley, his name was Charles, and he owed the mafia boss a lot of money. "What? You think I'm scared of some girl" Charles said laughing and you could see in his eyes he was truly scared.

The three men looked at each other and smiled. "You have no idea do you?" The man in front said, he was big and bulky with big muscles and arm sleeves of tattoos. The man on the right of him was shorter and had two knives in his hand, his neck was covered with tattoos. The man on the left was the same height as the man in front and he was wearing a big bulky coat and had a gun behind his back. They were all wearing the same ring that was gold and at had a snake on it.

"Listen here frank! I will give her, her money when I'm ready, I'm not on her time, understood" Charles said pettily. Just as he finished the three man looked down the right of the alley and heard the claps of high heels slapping onto the ground and out from the dark came a lady, she had long wavy black hair, and (outfit of your choice) she was beautiful. "J-ja" Charles was trying too talk but was cut off, "so Charles where's my money, oh right I forgot..your not on my time" she said then giggled then walked up too Charles, "I- that was just a j-oke" Charles said frightened. She then put her hand in her pocket. "I'm going too ask you one more time Charles, where's my money" she said angered. "Well you see I-I don't have it yet but if you give me more ti" he was cut off once more. "Mm wrong answer" she said then pulled out a gun and without hesitation she shot him one time in the chest, killing him immediately. "And to think, I was going too let you live after" she said looking down at his dead corpse then walked away and the three men followed.

They all got into a black limousine.

Hours later
Setting: abandoned  factory (the mafias home)

"With all do respect Jane but we" a man said to the boss, she was sitting in a red maroon chair with her on a pool table with a magazine in her hands. The man was standing across the pool table with his arms crossed And a little frightened. " what did you call me" the boss said putting her feet to the ground and standing up. "Well I-uh j-Jane" he said in crossing his arms. "Hm"

she said then started to walk off. She walked into a room and walked into another room with the whole mafia was in. She had a map and placed it down on a table where everyone can see it. "We're robbing the NYC bank" she said looking up. "If you stick with the plan everything will be fine" she said then looked down at the map. " it's simple. Walk in. Get the money. Get out. But most importantly, don't show your face"

she said then turned around. "Hello beautiful" and man said to her in front of her. She rolled her eyes. "What the hell are you here for" she said and crossed her arms. "I'm here for my money" he said and smiled. She laughed. "Really" she said then started to walk away he started to follow her.

"I'm serious Jane" he said to her while they walked. She stopped and grabbed his arm forcing him to the ground. "You have no right to call me that..I have no money for you, you can leave" she said then let go and started to walk away once more. The man got up and stretched his arm. He sighed and walked out of the factory.

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