Wired connection

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In the morning mallika wake up with a big smile but when she remembered about sumedh she said to herself that " Why any girl will date a guy for her own satisfaction, and after it is finished than leave that guy, this  type of girl really exits' monica shouted " di today I won't be able to go with you some important clients will be coming so I really need to handle them, kinshuk won't be able to handle them  mallika said "by the way you look pretty" moni said " kya di apnehi toh choose kiya tha" drees below 

In the morning mallika wake up with a big smile but when she remembered about sumedh she said to herself that " Why any girl will date a guy for her own satisfaction, and after it is finished than leave that guy, this  type of girl really exits' m...

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mallika came down kinshuk whistled and said " what di whom you want to murder by your look" 

mallika came down kinshuk whistled and said " what di whom you want to murder by your look" 

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mallika said " do I look nice" kinshuk said " glowing as well "

mallika said " why are you roaming in shorts come with me drop me in mudgalkar mansion and go to the office to help moni. 

kinshuk said " ok di "

he came 

mallika said" tu kisko ghayal karna chata hai"

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mallika said" tu kisko ghayal karna chata hai"

kinshuk " wah di mere line mujhi par"

mallika" shut up and let's go 

by the time in mudgalkar mension  
sumedh woke up and noticed that basant slept with him, Then he covered him with the blanket and went for a shower. 

the after some time doorbell rang and mallika entered with a happy face. sumedh mother came and gave thanks to mallika for last night. She said" it's ok aunty and asked that sumedh were madly in love with that girls na, by the way what is the name of that girl."

Jhanvi said "Manisha verma" 

mallika" oh I guess I know her, she was my classmate in school probably "

Then sumedh came out from washroom with wrapping a towel mallika directly went to sumedh's room for conforming design for their living room. She said" sumedh this designsssssssss" and immediately turned as he was in towel. Sumedh said " don't you know how to knock"mallika said " who changes clothes in the room, don't you have a wash room," sumedh said " why are you here???mallika said " to ensure the designs" 

Sumedh said" give"

mallika said " like this"

sumedh said " why cannot control emotions"

mallika said " oh god I saw people hotter than you ok"

sumedh said" accha hotter than me means, I am hot"

them mallika said" pls check this" 

sumedh conformed the designs and while handing over the photos sumedh touched mallika's hand and the heartbeat of mallika increased. 

mallika" sumedh let me go"

sumedh said " listen I am sorry 

mallika turned" sorry, sorry for what"

sumedh said" yesterday what I told, I was just....."

mallika" listen I know, your gf.......'

sumedh" who told you"

mallika" you, and I asked your mom"

then mallika left and basant said" I didn't hear and see anything"

sumedh said" we just cleared our misunderstanding"

basant" ah h and that is too like this" 

sumedh said" what rubbish now let me change "

he wore

he wore

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mallika was busy with workers  them moni called" di I hope you are ok and that guy is not troubling you much"

mallika replied" I am fine, stop worrying about me and he is not giving me a little bit of stress. "

monica" di are you ok"

mallika said" yes baba"

And they hung up the call. Mahesh calls Mallika and said" beta you are so rich but still when sumedh told you to work you could have reacted and used your power to stop other companies along with your's from decorating the house"

mallika genty said" uncle I am not that much mature but I think I can understand the tension of a person for his or hers house, I know that sumedh wanted perfection for her family as being a daughter of a family I can relate with his thoughts that's why"

mahesh" who said you are not mature you are more than that. Bhagwan hamesha tujhe kuch rakhe"

mallika" thank you uncle"

she turned and saw that sumedh was standing and hearing their talks. He instantly came and hugged mallika tightly, it was so tight that mallika could feel his strong arms, after a few second they both found it wired and separated. 

basnat came and mallika left and said" bhai i am going to the office, you won't come, he said " yeah let's go"

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