2- Fridays, Cuddles, and Shitty Italian restaurants

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Friday came faster than the flash saving the kitten out of a tree. Tanaka and Kiyoko came over to help me get ready, as I took a shower i heard them bicker about what i should wear. "Causal! Tanaka I am telling you causal." Kiyoko says, "Nonono! Street fashion, way cooler." I laugh to myself since they are both idiots.

I finish my shower and let my hair air dry, I decide to leave it down since apparently he likes short guys, since our last conversation was very interesting. I brush my teeth, and longer for thirty seconds so I hope he knows he's special. I end up putting on some rolled ripped jeans, braggy shirt, chain at the belt, and earrings i made myself out of pieces of monster energy cans.

I apply some cheap chapstick and brush my hair, and then i spray myself with this cologne that I totally didn't buy because he said he loves the smell of pine in his bio. Anyways, I walk out and Tanaka and Kiyoko pep me up because I am TERRIFIED! I nearly puked when they got over, okay nearly is pretty naive, i actually puked.

Kiyoko got me Gari-Gari Kun in my favorite flavor, thank god. Me and Asahi decided to meet up at 6:20, and it was only 5:30. So i had some time, Tanaka and Kiyoko left 5:45 and I play on my phone until 6:00, since I live 10 minutes walking to the restaurant, so I leave around 6:05 and I luckily got there on time.

I stand out front and wait for him to get here, thats when I see a mildly expensive car pull up in the driveway, figures its him, and who was right? ME! He gets out of his car, locking it on his way out. He begins to walk towards me when I wave at him.

"Hello." He says, he's very soft spoken, and has a deeper voice than I expected, not corpse level but still. AHAUSIAOWEUEINWKA I begin to blush, and I say "Hello!" I add a smile to that, and he smiles back, damn his smiles are really warm. Gives me a weird feeling of fluttering butterflies in my stomach.

He opens the door and gestures me to walk through so I do, "Table for two?" He asks the lady at the desk, "Of course! Follow me." She says as she clutches two menus, she takes us to a table and hands me a kid one. Then she hits on sexy designer man. Excuse me? PARDONME?

"Uh, I need a full sized menu, and please stop hitting on my date." I say without threatening her, so thats very good since I probably would of slit her throat if this wasn't a first date. "Oh! Sorry, let me grab you a new one." She walks away mimicking me. Asahi starts to apologize but I cut him off with, "Its okay! Fuck her anyways, tell me more about you." I say as i rest my head in my hands and make eye contact, deep contact.


The dinner goes by VERY fast, we finish eating and he insists on paying to my demise. As we walk out of the restaurant I flip the waitress off, serves her right! When we get outside I notice it's pouring down rain, "Would you want to come over to my apartment instead?" I get too shocked for words and instead nod my head, he chuckles and we run to his car.

He opens the door for me, and I rush in because it was literally raining cats and dogs. He gets in and goes, "Warning, I have two very needy cats, and if they are like me, they will definitely like you." I begin to blush, he notices and he smiles warmly, "damn you and your smoothness." I say in a mumble, he laughs again, before placing his hand on my thigh and driving with his other hand.

I start to text Ryu to tell him whats happening and how its going but then all of a sudden his car started speaking out a text he got. "New text from: Suga , 'Hows it going with the hot spiky dude huh? Daichi is betting that its not good but I think its going DAMN good! Anyways, still up for brunch tomorrow?" I chuckle and say, "Spiky?"

He turned bright red and says, "I'm not the most descriptive person I guess." He says with a smile as he pulls into a parking garage. We head up to his apartment, which is pretty fancy and he goes "Wine?" I nod, as why not.

He brings out a new bottle of wine and opens it in front of me as i sit on his couch. He pours two glasses, and hands me one. He ends up sitting across from me and starts the conversation. "So, you said you liked volleyball huh? What's your position? Or favorite one." My eyes widen as thank god this is a good starter!

"I played in high-school as a libero, and it's honestly my favorite position. You?" I respond as he goes "I played in high-school as well! I was an ace." This conversation goes through three glasses of wine, this part of the conversation is more real, he opens another bottle and gets slightly closer to me. We are both more giggly.

I blink, and suddenly I'm on his lap kissing him passionately, while he straddles me carefully. He just knows where to touch, grab, and rub to make me make noises, which is my fate..

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