3- His bed is certainly comfy.

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The next thing I know is that I wake up in sexy designer man's bed, i look down to see his very strong arms with tiny scars upon his bare skin holding me tightly, apparently we put our clothes back on thank god. He wakes up a few minutes after I do, "Mm, good morning." He says after kissing my neck lightly, "Good morning sexy big dick designer man." I say with a smirky smile which he can see my face on the mirror on the wall.

He whispers in my ear, "Don't tempt me." He says as he kisses my ear. DAMN his morning voice is hot. "Would you want some coffee?" He offers me as he gets up, I nod and open my phone. Then I notice the 80 missed calls from both Kiyoko and Tanaka, along with 400 texts. My eyes widen as fuck, they probably waited for me to come home.

I call Tanaka who quickly answers, "bRo? IS THAT YOU WHERE ARE YOU ARE YOU OKAY!" He says, "Bro! Calm down, I'm find but my ass isn't." I start to whisper, "I just had the best sex of my life dude." I hear Tanaka scream away from the phone. "Anyways got to go, I'll tell you everything later!! Bye bro!"

I hang up with Tanaka and get out of Asahi's bed, well i wish i didn't its really comfortable, but i had too anyways. As I get up I fall to the floor, my ass literally gave out then and there. I ended up crashing on the floor, which startled Asahi and made him run in. "Are you okay?" He sounded worried, but I mumbled from the floor. "Yeah I think you went too hard." I said with a giggle.

He walks over and scratches his neck before lifting me up off the floor, I get up and thank him but I swear he's done that behind the neck scratch like ten times during our date. But whatever, I walk out of his room and I end up gasping at the view he has. When I was drunk I really didn't see how gorgeous the view of his apartment is.

I mean, compared to mine, this looks like the scene from a movie. Mines a parking lot that the crackheads sit in and do crack, I notice Asahi staring at me from the counter, doing that hot guy lean thingy that is really hot. "You sure do like views, huh." He says with a smirk. I look back at him and smile, "Actually, I'm a photographer. I post shots I get from pretty views on instagram!"

He stares at me for a minute before saying, "You have a really cute smile." he immediately starts blushing and profusely apologizing. "Hehe, don't apologize. For the first five minutes of our date I was more focused on the little details about you than I was actually ordering." I say to stir the pot, and make him blush more than he already is.

He covers his face with his hands then an alarm rang, it was to the tune of Fuwa Fuwa Time from K-On. "You like K-On too!!?" I say without hesitation, because I did NOT spend two years crushing on Tsumugi for NOTHING. "Mm, yeah. My favorite is honestly Tsumugi." My eyes go wide as he says that. "She's my favorite too!!" I say smiling.

He walks over and grabs my face in his hands before quickly kissing my forehead. b e s t t i n d e r d a t e E V E R!! "Anyways, would you want to head out for brunch? Then I can drop you off at your apartment. Or I can drop you off now." He says, leaning once again at the counter.

"Uhh, whatever is easier for you!" I say, I know its annoying but that's a big decision, what if I annoy him, what if I go home and he finds his soulmate at brunch when it should be me- okay thats creepy but still! "I don't have work until Monday, but I have a meeting tomorrow so today is best for me." I nod, I mean that plan sounds good so might as well.

"Okay!! But I am paying and there is nothing you can do to stop me!!" I smirk at him, when I hear him mumble "That's what you think.." I ignore that last part and find my clothes.


At the restaurant, I order avocado toast which was better than what I thought it was gonna be since when Asahi recommended it I thought it would be gross but I really liked it! I also tried a mimosa, which was really good, "So, Nishinoya, where all have you taken photos and when can I see them?" Asahi asked breaking silence, I raised my eyebrows since I thought he didn't care about the photos since he was quick to switch the topic earlier.

"Oh! I've been all over Japan, China, some places in Europe. I hula danced with hula dancers in Hawaii, I've tried to convince Canadian guards to let me jump down the Niagara that failed. Oh! And I've visited the Pyramids in Egypt, I visited the Philippines, Britain, I've sled In Alaska. I could go on for hours about the places I've photographed but my favorite is probably when I took photos of the Varadero in Cuba"!

I hadn't realized I had gone full photography nerd on Asahi until I noticed him looking directly at me smiling. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry that must of been so boring!!" I say covering my face. I hear him chuckle and he tugs at my hand pulling it into his and saying "You're cute when you talk about something you're passionate about, you know that right?" I feel my heart beat harder, and I only feel this way when I am around Asahi.

"Oh sexy designer man, have you seen you? Especially when you spoke about how you are a designer at dinner last night. It was so adorable." He flushes a bit when I say that, but it was really cute. Throughout our lunch we fought about who was cuter, which did my self esteem wonders. I'm so happy I downloaded tinder.

anyways I payed and Asahi dropped me off at my apartment.

I went to take a shower and change into better clothes, just to be comfy since I was really tired and honestly wanted to go to bed but I couldn't its the middle of the day. The shower felt so good since I was lowkey sore ;) but I kinda smelled sweaty so this shower was definitely my saving grace. I kinda wanted to see Asahi again, but I thought maybe I've seen him too much recently.

Once I got out of the shower, I noticed it was 1:45 pm. I grabbed an apple from my counter when I quickly remembered I dislike apples. But I ate it anyways. I swiped my phone, to notice a message from Asahi. The message read, "Hey! The date was amazing, even the part in my bedroom. Call me sometime okay? 555-687-9847." My heart fluttered at his number, and he liked the date? He liked- okay I won't finish that sentence.

I wondered should I reply, or should I just text him. I decided to text him and hit him up with, "Hey! Its Nishinoya. :)" Hopefully he gets it. I remembered to go over to Tanaka's house to tell him everything! Sometimes I remind myself of a teenage girl and Tanaka is my best friend who conveniently lives next door. Maybe I do live in a sitcom.. eh! Whatever!!

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