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Our phonecall lasted 2 minutes. We talked about tomorrow night. We are going to do something tomorrow, he has a surprise to me. I can't wait.

I woke up and walked to school. He wasn't there. I checked my phone and noticed a message from Cameron : "Hey, I don't come to school. Meet you at evening(:"

I smiled and answered: "Sure. Can't wait."

I walked to class and I started to think Cam. Teacher distracted my thoughts.

Mr. Jones is little worried about me, cause I'm not so good in school anymore and he blames "my new friend Cameron" about it.

I know I don't focus so much anymore, but I don't care.

I left from school and on the way home I was thinking Cam way too much.

I came to home and my little brother was there, he asked: "Where are you going tonight? Are you going out? With who?" I didn't know where had he found out of my date with Cameron. Well, I didn't care and said: "If I am going, it's none of your business." He attached me with annoying questions: "Who is he? Where does he live?" I ran away from my brothers annoying questions.

I brushed my hair and got nice clothes on. I noticed that I had a message. I checked it out, it was from Cam: "5 minutes(:" Then came another message from him: "4 minutes(:" I smiled.

I was waiting for him outside and noticed him coming by his motorcycle. He stopped and got his helmet off and said: "Hello beautiful. Ready?" I nodded.

We drove to a weird place and we got our helmets off. I asked: "Where are we?" He smiled and got my hand. We went to that building. There was dark, but suddenly everything lighted up. It was a room full of games and fun stuff. He laughed and said: "Wait for it. This is nothing to what's coming." He winked. I laughed. We started to play games. We had so much fun time.

After having fun for 2 hours, we went to pizzeria. We ate pizza and talked about random stuff. It was really nice.

We drove back to my home and we got our helmets off. He kissed me on a cheek and said: "Love you. Sweet dreams." He put his helmet back and smiled to me. I said to him: "Love you too." He drove away and I looked at him. Mom watched from the window and smiled. I looked back at her and walked in. Mom smiled to me and asked: "Had fun?" I nodded and smiled. I walked upstairs and layed in my bed. I fell to sleep and I saw a dream about him. It was a good dream. My feelings exploded. When I woke up, I was sad, because it wasn't real. It was a hot dream.

Feelings. Weird and such uncontrollable things.

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