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Your POV

"Excuse me?!"

It felt like my jaw touched the floor and my eyes would jump from their sockets. This is all a stupid joke. They'll laugh now and make more fun of me. But no one was laughing. My parents never looked so serious before.

"This is not a joke. It's going to happen." My mother said. My father nodded. "You'll get married in two to three months. We picked a man for you. You'll meet him and his parents in two weeks." My dad said. I jumped up from my seat. "No! Do you two hear me?! No!" I ran to the door and left the house.

I grabbed my phone and called Minho, my older brother. He picked up immediately. "Hi (Y/n)!" he said, sounding as happy as ever. "Minho, mom and dad are losing it! They want me to marry some guy I never met!" I said, walking to his apartment. "(Y/n) calm down. Come to my place, okay? You can tell me everything." He said. My brother knows best how to calm people down.

I took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll be there soon." I said and hung up the phone. I sighed and walked to his apartment. It is even normal in this time?! Come on! In which time do my parents live?! I freaked out in my mind and continued to walk to Minho's apartment. This can't be seriously happening.

3rd person's POV

(Y/n) rang the bell. She waited, expecting Minho to open the door. But he didn't. Felix opened the door instead, her best friend. She walked into the apartment. Minho came up to her with her favorite tea. "Okay, time to relax and tell me everything." Minho said, leading her to the couch. She sat down with the cup of tea in her hands. Felix sat down on a chair and Minho sat down beside her.

She explained everything. From the wedding that's planned in three months, meeting the guy and his parents in two weeks, to the moment she ran out. Minho sighed. "Don't worry. There must be a way out of this.'' Felix said. (Y/n) nodded and smiled a little. Minho got up. ''How about food?" Minho walked to the kitchen.

He gave (Y/n) and Felix a bowl. Felix hummed softly as he ate. Minho sat back down with his own bowl. "Your favorite, pieces of duck." Minho said. (Y/n) smiled and started eating. Felix stopped for a moment. "It's pretty crazy that they arranged a marriage." He said. Minho nodded. "That's what they do. They choose three girls and wanted me to pick one. They kicked me out when I refused." He told them. (Y/n) sighed and just continued to eat. "So, if I refuse, they'll kick me out?" I asked, kind of hoping to get a positive idea for that.

Minho shook his head. "You know them. Their plan failed once, they won't let it fail again." He said, stuffing his mouth full of food. I sighed and nodded. He's right. They were so angry when Minho wouldn't follow their plan for him. I remember how they tossed his stuff in trash bags and out of the house when he wasn't home. When he came home, he just loaded his stuff in his car and left. This can't be real.

There's a way out. There must be...

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