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Two weeks later (Your POV)

The mug of coffee was warm in my hands. I couldn't understand how Hyunjin could drink his coffee without waiting for it to cool down a little. He placed his mug on the table. "So, how is the idea of marrying some random guy?" he asked, his undertone showing it annoyed him. "My parents picked him. It's stupid. I don't even know him." I said and took a sip from my coffee.

Hyunjin sighed. "And there's really no way around it?" he asked. I shook my head. "No, I tried talking to my parents, but they don't want to listen to me." I explained. Hyunjin nodded. "When are you going to meet him?" he asked and took another sip from his coffee. "Tonight, he and his parents are coming over for dinner." I said, thinking about all the possible things that could happen.

He could be an ugly guy, with just rich family. He could be a handsome guy, but a total idiot who only cares about how he looks. He could just be nice and a good guy. Still, I don't know or know anything about him. Does he know anything about me? Did my parents tell them things about me? How much personal information did they share? Hyunjin snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Meet the guy. Maybe he's not as bad as you might expect him to be. And if he's really an asshole, then you can always divorce him." Hyunjin said. I nodded and finished my coffee. "Thanks, Jinnie." I said with a smile. He finished his coffee as well. "No problem." He said. We decided to leave it for now and talk about other things.

Hyunjin suddenly chuckled. "Did you think of ways out?" he asked curiously, knowing how far my imagination can go sometimes. "I thought about running away and hiding until they would forget this nonsense. But-" I paused. He raised a brow. "But what?" – "What if he's being forced as well?" I asked out loud. Hyunjin shrugged. "Maybe it'll help. I mean, maybe it'll feel like you're both in the same boat and it'll make it easier for both of you." Hyunjin said with a shrug. I hummed and finished my coffee.

We'll see...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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