Part 1 - Moving to Mori Mori (⚠️)

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"Everyone meet Ms.Yanagizawa. She's just transferred to Mori Mori Academy and will be your classmate from now on!" I can hear the class murmuring as they glare at me. I glance around the classroom looking for an empty seat.

"Hey Yana! Come sit over here!", a boy with orange hair and a pigtail on one side says. I walk to a desk and sit next to him and another boy. I blush, as nobody had ever called me Yana before. People in my old school usually called me 'loser' or 'weirdo'.

"I'm Yacchan, and this is Toono!" He says. Toono looks away, but I catch a glimpse of his bright green eyes.

"Uh... hi. I'm Toono."

I greet him, and start unpacking my things.

"Wait... Yanagizawa? That sounds familiar... Are you the principal's daughter?" Yacchan asks me.

"Yep! That's me... my dad got a job here, so um.. That's how I ended up going to an all boys' school!" I answer, in a sort of ironic tone.

"What club are you gonna join? Whatever you do, DO NOT join photography club" Toono says.

"Um... I was thinking soccer? It seems pretty chill" I respond. To be honest, I kinda did a little stalking. I looked at Mori Mori's social media accounts, looked at the followers, and voila! That, my friends, is how you find peoples' accounts. Ever since seeing Yacchan's account... I've kinda been obsessed with him. I messaged him a bit, and he seems nice. I even got a soccer ball and started practicing with it. Since my dad is the principal (as you already should know), I got him to give me a room right next to Yacchan's, and make him my 'buddy' to show me around and help me get used to Mori Mori. This is like a scene from my fantasy! Being surrounded by hot and mostly single boys? A dream come true.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Yacchan asks me as he waves his hand in front of my eyes. I shake my head.

"You totally spaced out there... It's the end of homeroom!" Ugh... I have maths period 1. Well that really killed the mood. We pack up our books and start walking.

"Hey Toono! We have maths together right?"

Toono nods. He's kinda reserved, but he seems nice.

"Wait up! I'm in your class too!" Yacchan pants as he runs towards us. Okay, maths might not be so bad with Yacchan in my class.

---------- END OF THE DAY ----------

Ahh. Finally! It's the end of the day! I walk to my locker and put my books away, when Yacchan drops a textbook on me.

"Oww! Yacchan~ that hurt~" I whine.

He scrambles to pick it up.

"OMG! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" He apologises, and kneels down to inspect my head.

"Hey... um why don't you come to my dorm, I'll give you some ice." Since my dorm is next to his, I obviously say yes, and we start walking together.

"So... how's Mori Mori so far?" he asks me.

"It's nice! I'm glad you're here to guide me around!"

We finally get to his dorm and go inside. It's... surprisingly messy.

"Wait a sec, i'll get some frozen peas from my fridge" I look around. His draws are half open, there's garbage bags everywhere, and his room, in general, is just a mess. Yacchan carefully steps over the bags on his floor, sits on his bed, and places the frozen pea packet on my head. I thank him as he holds it against my head.

"No problem, it was my fault for dropping a book on you anyway, my locker is really messy"

Even though the ice is cold on my head, I feel oddly... warm? Yacchan lowers his hand, and the packet of peas slips off my head. To be honest, my head doesn't really hurt anymore, but I could NEVER pass up the opportunity to spend extra time with Yacchan. He's like the human embodiment of an angel.

"Hello? Why do you keep zoning out?" he asks.

"Sorry I'm just thinking about you- I mean your room- I-"

He covers my mouth and smirks. His cheeks turn bright red as he leans forward, lowering his hands to rest on my shoulders. He leans closer, until his lips make contact with mine. I smile and lie down on his bed, Yacchan squishing close to me. He kisses me again, this time lower and lower, until he reaches my collarbone.

"Yacchan~" I moan, as he leaves dark marks on my skin from sucking it over and over.

"Aw man... I'm gonna need to cover these up for school tomorrow~"

"I have some concealer... somewhere... You can borrow it if you want" he offers.

"Yacchan, do you really think we're the same shade?" I giggle, looking at his almost porcelain skin.

"Oh right..." he says, admiring my tanned complexion. I sit up and he strokes my hair, caressing me gently.

"Um... it's kinda late now... I need to unpack my stuff"

"Awww okay" Yacchan complains.

"Can I come back tomorrow to tidy up your room? It's a total mess" I say, as I walk towards the door. He gives me a 'goodnight kiss' and makes sure I get to my room safely (even though it's literally 2 metres away).

"Goodnight Yacchan!"

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