Chapter 3

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Bates woke up noticing that Anna was still asleep. He stroked her hair gently and let her sleep for a few moments. Then, he waked her up, and she fluttered her eyes open. "Good morning, my darling." he said reaching his hand up to her cheek. She smiled and sat up.
"Good morning." she said cheerily.
"What should we do with our half day off?" he asked her.
"We could go shopping." she laughed. He got up, she jumped in his path and threw her arms around his neck, "I know you hate shopping. I was only joking. Maybe we could look at hotels instead of shopping for things that would bore you."
"I thought we decided that we would wait until you're pregnant to look for a hotel."
"That's right. Maybe we could get some new clothes instead."
"Oh I suppose so." he said laughing. He knew that she had convinced him to go shopping.

Anna and Bates were in a nice dress shop in London. "How about this one?" Anna said holding it up to her. Bates smiled and nodded. "Oh come on. There must be some dress that you wouldn't like to see me in." she said laughing.
"I think I would love you however whatever whenever." he said grabbing her hand. She smiled and wondered how she was able to have such a wonderful husband.

Outside the dress shop, Iris stood outside the window and watched them. It was her half day too. She felt a tear slide down her cheek. Iris decided to continue walking, so they wouldn't see her. She walked in the rain without an umbrella. Her dark hair was wet, and it was falling apart. Iris went into a bookstore to find a book that might help her escape her misery. She saw a translated French novel called Les Miserables. It seemed like the perfect book for her. She bought it and began reading it on the train back to Downton.

"I'm glad that I finally decided on a dress, and you finally bought some new shoes." Anna said as she looped her arm in his.
"Yes, we've had a nice day off." he said smiling at her.

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