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So many new readers! I'm glad to see you all like the story!

As my long-time readers will be able to confirm, I do unfortunately take quite some time between posting new parts.

I hope I will improve on that with my new schedule I made for the new year, but experience has told me not to promise anything...

So much hate for Charlie though! XD poor, poor Charlie....

Anyhow! hope you are all doing well, and that the new year will treat you better than the last.

On with the story!


Melody stood in front of the mirror again, tucking in her uniform trying to make the clothes that were multiple sizes too big look like they belonged on her body.

"Good to see you again." Charlie greeted, once Melody came from the door behind the bar. Melody nodded and combed her hair nervously with her fingers.

"Ready for today?" Charlie asked with a smile, trying to encourage the girl.

"A bit scared to be honest." Melody answered.

Charlie frowned. "Of what?"

"That thing you said, that I shouldn't trust just anyone." Melody reminded her co-worker. The whole trip towards work it had bothered her. Both Yoongi and Charlie telling her not to trust people, when all she wanted to do was make friends. It had been so long.

Melody remembered the backstabbing and gossip in middle school when she had last been a human, and the stranger-danger talk her mother had given, but if you didn't trust people how did you make friends with them?

Charlie smirked.

"Don't worry about that, I've got your back. Just worry about getting my drinks safely to their tables." Charlie winked, making Melody smile a bit. It did relieve some worries knowing she had someone looking out for her.


"How did you end up working in this bar?" Melody asked once the bar was empty and the final things were being cleaned.

Charlie's smile seemed to falter for a second.

"That's a long story, but I'll give you the short version." Charlie threw down the rag, having finally cleaned the beer tap properly.

Melody leaned in, placing her serving tray on the designated spot.

"I left my home the moment I graduated high-school. I couldn't really get along with my parents, you know, the regular drama." Charlie's dark eyes rolled a circle trying to make light of the situation. "So I found a house, with housemates, and a whole lot of bad choices." Charlie sighed. "Then one day I woke up, deciding I had to do better, got a different apartment, by myself this time, and I found this bar. I knew alcohol all too well, so I decided to use my knowledge to make money."

"Wow..." Melody let out. "That must have been tough."

Charlie shrugged. "Aren't we all here to make money to survive?"

Melody scratched the back of her head "Yeah I guess so."

"What's your story?"

Melody looked up. Dave, one of the food runners (people who bring the food to the tables) joined in the conversation, looking at Melody with an intense curiosity. Something about it made Melody feel like insects were walking on her spine.

"I uh.. I" Melody had to swallow to get her composure back. "I live with housemates, just trying to do my part."

Melody didn't know why, but she didn't feel comfortable telling him much more than that. She looked at the bar, just to see that Charlie's pose was no longer the relaxed stance it had been when it was just the two of them.

"Roommates huh? they good people?" Dave asked, ignoring the cold atmosphere all around them.

"Yeah, one of them is my boyfriend actually." Melody answered, trying to get Dave to backup by mentioning her relationship with Yoongi.

"Oh! you have a boyfriend?" Charlie asked enthusiastically the moment Dave took a small step back.

Melody nodded and smiled, telling Charlie all about Yoongi, how great he was and how much he meant to her. At the end of the conversation Dave had left and Charlie knew all about Yoongi, except for who he was ofcourse.

"Well I would love to meet your boyfriend some time!" Charlie exclaimed on their way to the bus stop.

Melody smiled when she opened Yoongi's bedroom door. Everything she had told Charlie, all the memories she had brought up, it just made her love Yoongi more.

After getting ready for bed Melody snuggled up against her boyfriend, waking him up from his slumber just enough for him to embrace her in his sleep. Melody smiled, the warmth that she had missed the night before seemed to hit her all at once. She breathed in his scent and felt her muscles finally relax.

She was home.


And that's it for this part! I will write part 59 asap.

In the meantime I wanted to give you guys an opportunity to get to know me better and for me to know you better! So here are some small facts, and you can ask questions in the comments!

My name is not actually Violet Honey, but honestly, I would rather not mention my actual name. You can give me any nickname you like though, as long as it isn't insulting ;).

I am currently 27 (a 1993 baby just like Yoongi)

I live in the Netherlands but was raised bi-lingual. (Dutch and english)

I am dyslexic. I was diagnosed when I was very young and thankfully I love reading, so that has helped me get over the biggest hurdles (Harry Potter was my absolute savior) but when writing I still mess up at times.

I studied to be a pastry chef but currently work as a hotel as a waitress (looking to change that this year so I can go back to the bakery)

I am the youngest of 3 daughters. My sisters are 5 and 2 years older than me.

I have a boyfriend and we live together. this story's version of Yoongi is partially based on him.

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