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Yoongi sat down on the edge of the bed as he let out an exhausted sigh. How could one night last that long? It wasn't even as if they had done that much! They had spent the whole event talking. Mostly to Cheng, but his mother and a few of the other guests did end up making small talk with them too.

Li, Cheng's mother and thus Melody's stepmother had confirmed that they had been invited mostly because her son was such a fan of them. They were the husband's gift, to hopefully let the two grow closer as they became an official family.

Never before had Yoongi felt so... objectified. It was clear the others had also felt a bit uncomfortable with this idea. Even Cheng didn't seem to fully agree with the 'thoughtful' gift of his new step-father. Perhaps there was a reason why Cheng and the new husband had never seemed to gotten close.

A paw tapped Yoongi's hand and he woke up from his thoughts. Bright blue eyes looked into his own and he smiled. "I'll tell you all about it in a bit, let me get cleaned up first ok?"


Yoongi got up and left for the bathroom, getting ready for bed as he brushed his teeth.

"So, what do you want to hear first?" Yoongi asked as he got into the bed that the cat already occupied.

"Your stepmother seems like a lovely lady, though a bit naïve and talkative." The cat nuzzled closer to the boy lying next to her. "Her son is pretty cool, a bit shy.. apparently he is a fan of ours, and he would love to meet my cat."

In a swift movement the cat looked up and leaned back a little, showing some concern at this statement.

"Don't worry, we told him you might be too nervous because of the travel."

"Well.. Jungkook said we'd ask you, but you can imagine how that sounded to him." Yoongi laughed softly. It had occurred so often that they said something like that about her that he would understand if people had started to think the members were going crazy.

Melody's head rubbed against his arm as she cuddled up against him. Relief flooded over her as the calming scent of her boyfriend filled her nostrils and her muscles finally relaxed. She made sure to leave some space between her and Yoongi as she could feel her body turning for the first time in days.

Yoongi felt the shift in the bed and the added weight as his full bodied girlfriend rested her head on his chest. A final wave of relief flooded over him as things had finally turned back to normal.

"Welcome back" he whispered before kissing her forehead softly.

"Meow" Melody whispered softly hiding her face in his chest. A soft giggle left Yoongi's lips as his obviously emotion-flooded hid herself further, pulling the covers over her head.


"Cheng wanted to meet up with us before we go have lunch with your parents, do you want to meet him?" Yoongi asked as he got dressed. "You'd probably have to turn into a cat though, otherwise your family might freak out once they hear."

Melody looked a bit unsure about the suggestion so Yoongi reassured her that it really wasn't necessary and she could say no if she wanted to.

"He seems like a cool guy and in a way he is your family... But it's not a decision I can make for you."

Melody thought it over as her boyfriend continued to get dressed for a new day filled with the same people he had only met yesterday. If he could stick to the same people... Maybe it wouldn't be as dreadful as it could be.

He got woken up from his thoughts by his girlfriend who joined him in front of the mirror, grabbing her toothbrush and getting ready for the day.

"I'll meet him. But one wrong move and I'll use my claws." She stated, clearly finding confidence in her sharp nails.

Yoongi agreed, not daring to tell her that there really was nothing threatening about her short and fluffy cat-form. He had to agree, her claws could cut you quite badly. That was something he had witnessed first hand by accident when she would get startled or scared.

After getting ready Yoongi carried his girlfriend, who had turned into a cat once again, up to the floor above his, where Seokjin, Namjoon and Jungkook shared a three bedroom suite that had a living-room area big enough for them to comfortably meet with Melody's brother.

The pair was the last to arrive. Jungkook opened the door for his hyung who held the cat that was playing with his hair as a distraction.

The youngest smirked, both happy to see the decision Melody had made, and at her cat-like behavior that seemed to come so naturally. The group seemed calm and happy until a movement caught the eye of the fluffball that had had their attention.

"Oh, you brought your cat!" an enthusiastic voice chimed as the boy came closer. "I wasn't sure if she would feel up to it, but I'm glad to see she's ok." Melody's curious eyes closed slowly, showing comfort after seeing the boy's genuine smile.

"Can I pet her?" Cheng asked, his arm already stretched out slightly. Melody answered this question for her by placing her head against his palm.

"It seems she likes you." Yoongi said placing the cat on the floor so she could comfortably walk around. The boys took a seat by the coffee table that had been filled with snacks and the cat greeted them all by walking in a big circle around them, stealing food when she saw fit.

"Is it ok for her to eat like this?" Cheng asked seeing the cat nibble away at a salted cracker.

The group scratched the back of their neck's collectively as they couldn't think of a reasonable answer.

"It's ok if she eats just a little, she's quite a smart cat." Yoongi answered looking at the feline who reluctantly stopped eating and walked over to him to give him the remaining cracker.

"See? she knows that too much salt isn't good." He said smiling at the grumpy face of his girlfriend shining though her vibrant eyes. "I'll grab her a bowl of water." He added, getting up and doing just as he said.

After taking just a few sips Melody sat back down on her boyfriends lap, not caring if she was getting fur all over it.

"Could I, maybe, hold her?" Cheng asked unsure if he was crossing a boundary or not. Yoongi looked at the cat in his lap and noticed her giving a small nod.

"Isn't that sexual harassment?" Jungkook whispered in Hoseok's ear, making fun of his hyung as if he hadn't been in the same boat.

Hoseok smiled and gave him a small pat on the shoulder. "Yah, why are you bringing up old stories like that?" The two laughed as the newcomer looked at them in confusion, quickly distracted again by the white ball of fur coming closer to him.

"She will cover you in fur though, no matter how much I brush her..." Yoongi warned as he handed her over to her brother.

"That's fine, I love cats." Cheng answered. 

"I doubt anyone will even notice me at lunch anyhow." he whispered soft enough that only the cat could hear.

'poor boy, Dad's family is going to eat you alive.'  Melody thought with compassion in her eyes. This boy truly was never going to fit in to her dad's family.

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