Chapter 1: Meet me at the corner

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Today I'm randomly walking in Paris as I like to do it when the weather is good and I don't have anything planed. This way I can discover new places of this huge capital I live in during my studies. For now, I'm doing a four-months internship that will end in a month or so. I'm doing it in a fashion press office and I'd say I quite enjoy it.

Currently I am in the 16th arrondissement. This neighborhood isn't really animated as only the richest people live here. But I guess sometimes it's nice to get away from the unrest of the city and just take a walk in a calm area.

As I have been walking straight for a long time, I decide to turn left at the next street corner. And well, let's just say that decision changed my day.

Indeed, the moment I turned is also the moment an idiot coming from the street I was heading towards decided to turn at full speed exactly in the opposite direction and one thing leading to the other: boom *collision*. That's the moment I ran into you.

- Ouch, I say trying to get up.

- I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, I didn't see you, sorry... says the man I bumped into.

I can't see his face as he is trying to pick up all the books he dropped, but weirdly I have the impression that I know this voice.

- Here, that's also my fault you know, let me help you picking up this mess, I propose.

- Thanks, but you don't have to.

He finally raises his head in my direction and boom *2nd collision*, but in my mind this time. Timothée Chalamet is just in front of me.

For a moment my brain decides to just, stop working. I fix my gaze on him and say nothing.

- Are you okay?

- Um.. Yes.. Um.. I am, I say getting a grip.

I look to the books I'm holding and hand them to him:

- Your books.

- Thank you. So, um, where were you heading before we...

- Nowhere in particular, I say smiling, I just like to walk around in Paris. Discovering new places, etc.

- Oh, then you should know some good secret places, right?

- I guess, I say a little confused, well maybe, I don't know, depends on what you call "good secret places"... And you, um, where are you going, if I can ask?

- To my hotel, I need to put down those books I just bought.

- By the way, what's all this?

- Just some French novels. I like to buy some when I'm in Paris. It's to practice my French and my French culture I guess, he say giggling.

- That's nice! So... um...

I absolutely don't know what to say next and don't want this conversation to end but luckily, he made me THE offer of the year.

- You said you wanted to help, so maybe you could help me bringing my books to my hotel?

As I already almost collapsed in front of him, I try my best to not have my third "collision" of the day and focus. Unfortunately, all I manage to say is a quick:

- Yes.

- Great! I take one half and you take the other, he say handing me the books I previously gave back to him. My hotel is this way, come on.

I take the books, nod and follow him quietly.

We continue walking in silence for a few blocks and then he finally asks:

The day I ran into you [COMPLETE] - Timothée Chalametजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें