Chapter 3: Meet me at the restaurant

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I am so excited. I am going to have a real date with Timothée Chalamet, I just can't believe it! But wait, am I sure this is a date? Maybe he asked me to dinner out of politeness? Or maybe he didn't know how to finally get rid of me and he panicked?

Uhg, what am I saying, we don't invite someone to dinner when we want to get rid of them! And we especially don't kiss their forehead! Actually, I think I'm the one panicking... I am still in the subway on my way home and I am mentally pacing up and down.

When I finally arrive at my apartment, another issue, which appeares to me as an insurmountable problem, come to my mind. What on earth am I going to wear?!? Something stylish or something more casual? The thing is, I don't know where we're going, so if he brings me to a fancy restaurant and I'm wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt I will look stupid, but on the other hand, if a wear a nice dress and we're going to a pizzeria, I will also look stupid. So I am totally lost and it's not like I could just ask him because I haven't any way to contact him. Then, the only solution I have is simple, wear something between chic and casual.

And as a problem never comes alone, with the time I lost freaking out in front of my wardrobe it was already 7:10pm, and with his hotel being at least 30 minutes away, it means I have only 15 minutes left to get ready to make sure to get there on time.

Obviously I can't take a shower in this short time so I take off the clothes I have on (his clothes), I jump in a simple and cute summer wrap black dress with a V neck and a pair of black sandals with small heels. I arrange the few makeup I have on to make a more sophisticated look as fast as I can and finally make a pony tale to hide how messy my hairs are after all that stress and the sweat I got from running everywhere in my apartment.

I check myself in the mirror one last time and lock my door at 7:26pm.

When I get out of my building my phone is indicating 40 minutes to get to his hotel. I am then officially late. I could run of course, but running in summer, and actually no matter the season, equals sweating, and I can't arrive all sweaty to my date with Timothée Chalamet! So I decide to walk, fast, really fast.

When I arrive on the platform of the subway, I see the train I was supposed to be on leaving in the dark tunnel. Of course, the next one is in 7 minutes. I am so stressed, I've always hated to be late, it's a real source of anxiety, even when it's for something not really important like meeting friends for example, so right now, knowing what's at stake for me, I am really harassed. I guess that when he suggested to meet at 8, he didn't take into account that unlike him, I wasn't already on site. But it's okay, he's gonna wait for me, right?

When I get out of the subway it is already 8:04 and I have still some walking to do to get to the hotel, but because of the heat there I can feel the drop I have on my forehead, so I can't run anymore, unless I want to arrive like someone who run a marathon (I'm hardly exaggerating)? So I walk calmly, trying to wipe the sweat off my head.

8:11 I'm there, in the lobby, desperately looking for him. When I see him seated on one of the couches near the bar I feel so released. He is wearing an elegant white shirt and a pair of dark blue pants. I then head towards him and when he notices me, I say with my sorriest voice:

- My god, I'm so sorry, I'm late, I'm sorry Timothée, I'm...

- Hey, hey, hey, he says softly touching my agitated arms. It's okay. (He looks at his watch). It's only 8:12, you're not late. You know, I've got here just 5 minutes ago so relax.

- Okay, then I'm not that sorry, I smirk.

As an answer he just rolls his eyes with a soft smile.

- So, where are you taking me? I ask.

- You'll see.

- But...

The day I ran into you [COMPLETE] - Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now