Chapter 2: Meet me at the show

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At this right moment, I can't help but smile, and as I want to "play it cool" I guess, I'm trying to act like it wasn't one of the best offers I had in my life and I simply answer with a soft smile:

- Sure, I'd love to!

- Great!

- But wait, I've nothing to wear, I can't go to a Paris fashion show like that!

Indeed, I'm wearing the simplest outfit ever, a white tee-shirt, denim shorts and black converses.

- It's not matter don't worry! People dress good only because they want to expose themselves on social media, it's not your intention, right?

- Well, no I guess.

- Good! Come on in, I just need to change my shirt and we're off.

As I enter his room again, he goes to the bathroom to get changed but he doesn't close the door completely. I can then see him removing his tee-shirt, revealing his beautiful back, but my pretty view didn't last long as he immediately put his bright blue shirt on, before getting out.

- If you're really concerned about your look, you can wear one of my oversized tees as a dress with... um... (he's looking inside his suitcase) this! he hands me a big black belt and a long with tee-shirt.

- Okay, why not, I smile.

- Good, but hurry up, we're really late!

I take his cloths, Timothée Chalamet's cloths OMG, and go in the bathroom to change as quick as possible, but unlike him, I close the door properly.

- Ta daa!!! I say when I get out.

He raises his head as he was tying his shoes and smiles.

- You look beautiful Rachel, actually, I think this tee-shirt look better on you.

- Thank you, I answer blushing.

- Okay let's go! He says as he stood up.

We get out of the room and go down the stairs as fast as we can to join the exit.

- Where is the show?

- Luckily for us, not too far from here, come on, we're gonna take the subway.

- The subway? I ask confused.

- Yes, sorry to disappoint, not every star travel in limo.

- Sorry, that's not what I meant...

- I know, just teasing you.

I roll my eyes and we enter the subway entrance. As I have no idea where we are going, I just follow him.

On the platform, I look around me and am praying that nobody would recognize him, because yes, I was selfish and wanted to keep him for myself as long as I could.

We don't wait long for the train to come and we get inside.

- You can't imagine how much I hate the subway, I explain, and luckily for me, I have the great pleasure to take it every single day.

- I recognize that it's not the most glamorous means of transportation but still, it's really useful.

- Sure, I'm not saying the opposite, but it could be much better if people weren't so... dirty. Oh and if there were less people too because the line that I take every day is the most used. North part of the 13th, a real pleasure to play sardine with strangers...

- Sardines?

- Yes, during rush hours, the coaches are so crowded that it's like we were a giant sardines' tin so tight we are.

The day I ran into you [COMPLETE] - Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now