12. 𝕭𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖜 𝖔𝖋 𝕿𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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Trogar Cove was known to be peaceful, contradicting the rumors cast from all directions of Nonestica. Whether it be day or night, the isle remained safe despite all the hustle and bustle of village life.

So, when night came, and all the folks had left this world temporarily, indulging the pleasure or the dismay of their dreams, Trogar Cove was in complete silence. As if the world had frozen into place. Just the ambiance of the gentle waves, splashing against the beach, harnessed by the breeze, and the calls of the cricket emitted throughout.

Edward Blackwood woke up that late night, startled. Something that had grown to be rare and peculiar over the years he had slept in the peaceful silence of the cove. Though, on the sea, a much different story. Yet, he successfully managed to arm himself with a loaded gun and cover his body with a coat.

What startled him, he quickly learned, was a gut-wrenching scream. Shrill and ear-splitting. Hysterical and worrying. The way it punched through the night caught him completely off-guard, piquing his curiosity about what depravity could be making that ungodly sound.

The man wasted no time leaving his room. The scream came from a woman, and the chateau housed many maids. It could mean anything. Perhaps something that could harm the house, his possessions, maybe he himself. A robber or paid assassin.  The worst-case scenario, which Edward had grown to dread by the second, his maids and servants could be harmed. Throughout the world of Nonestica, it is known that low-cast servants are prey to rapists, kidnappers, or bawds. 

Though, after learning where the scream had come from, Edward finally realized that it had exceeded his worse-case-scenario. The maids, still dressed in their nightgowns, drowsy with sleep, circled the doorway of the room. Dorothy's room. The scream came from Dorothy herself, and as Edward pushed through the crowds, the chaotic ambience around him heightened as it intertwined with the muffles of their worried gasps.

Dorothy Gale was still lying on her bed, held down by two maids on either side of her. She was flailing, convulsing, shrieking, screeching to be let go, yet forced on the bed against her will. Her limbs, entwined with the soft duvet. Her hair stuck against her sweat-covered skin. Her tears poured, streaming down her cheeks.

The depraved screams wildly were joined with untamed sobs, pathetic in nature. Bawling like a mad child.

"What happened?" Edward shouted amongst the chaos of the room, bringing himself to pulled one of the maids, replacing her job in holding the manic girl.

"I don't know," a worried voice responded quickly. "It happened out of the sudden!"

Edward placed his palm on her forehead, restraining her down as well as checking her temperature. "She's worryingly hot. Call Dr. Higgins." He turned to one of the servants, then to another "fetch me some ice"

With that, both maids hurried away down the hall. One reaching the icehouse behind the chateau, whilst the other ran with all her might to town. Edward turned back to Dorothy, pulling the duvet away from her body. Making sure that there would be enough air for her not to suffocate and breeze to cool her temperature.

Dorothy finally opened her eyes, gasping for air as she wailed. But when she caught the sight of Edward, she pulled all her strength, flinging her body towards him. Begging him to capture her into an embrace. Pleading him to protect her.

He willingly did so, asking the other maid that held Dorothy's hand to leave, he took her into his arm. Letting her to nestle against his chest. Allowing her arms to wrapped around his neck. Permitting her head to rest against his shoulders. His hands gentle ran comfortingly on her back, assuring her that she is safe.

Dorothy was still a sobbing mess, left in a humiliating state, yet her hysteria began to dissipate, and she grew gentler by the seconds. Exhaling shaky breaths, falling back into a normal rhythm. Waiting patiently for her rapidly beating heart to decelerate.

This time, he whispered softly into her ears, asking again; "What's... wrong?"

The maids took this as a cue for them to leave, so they dispersed for the group, and headed to their quarters. Unresponsive, Edward prodded, "Speak to me," Though, it was not intended to be a command, but a request.

For the first time, Dorothy spoke, amidst the cries and hiccups. It was short, but it was all he needed to know for now. He didn't mean to disturb the girl more. "I'm scared."

Edward pushed her away from him slightly, though, not far enough that she needed to pull her arms away. He placed his palms against his forehead, checking her temperature again. Still hot. He checked again on her neck, still the result remained the same.

The bucket of ice came first, so Edward wrapped a handful of them in a piece of cloth. "Dorothy," he called sweetly, placing the girl back onto the bed, releasing him from the embrace. Abruptly, a bitter surge of regret and emptiness spread his mind. He wished that they could stay like that longer, but her health comes first, no matter what they feel.

Dorothy winced as Edward placed the ice on her forehead. "Am I- am I having a fever?"

"I'm afraid so."

As if right on cue, Dr. Higgins entered the room. Being awaken in the middle of night and given little time to react as well as getting ready, he appeared in his pyjamas. Under his arm was his bag, where he stored some of his medical instruments.

"What seems to be the problem, captain?"

"I suspect a fever of some sort."

"Lydia—" he addressed Edward's maid, "told me that the princess had an episode of hysteria."

Edward responded with a nod; his gaze fell onto Dorothy. Her chest still heaving for air.

"Now, Your Highness," Dr. Higgins cleared his throat as he wore his gloves. "I would like to do a brief check-up. In the meantime, Captain, I advise you to stay outside."

Understanding the situation, Edward left the room. When Dorothy and the doctor assumed he had gone to bed, he instead leaned against the wall adjacent to the door, falling slowly into sitting in the darkness of the hall, cross-legged. His hand placed pressed against his chest, as his heart began to slow down, and the fear of losing the one he cherished most, dispersed into the shadows of twilight. 

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