It Starts Today

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"Who is he?" Ian demanded, thrusting his chin in Thomas's direction as we entered through the front door. He had the look of a crazed animal.

"A friend," I said. "Ian, you have to come with us."

But he was already shaking his head and backing away. "Not before ye tell me what's happened to John. I can feel his suffering."

"John is with my father," Thomas answered for me.

"Your father?" Ian said. "And just who the hell—"

"Conrad Abernathy," Thomas cut in. "Perhaps you've heard the name?"

"The Head Watcher? Aye, I've heard of him." He turned an accusing glare on me. "Ye say he's a friend?"

"He is. And right now he's our only ally. Tell me, Ian, do you care about John?"

Ian gaped. "How can ye ask such a thing? I love him, the same as he loves you!"

"If that's true, you have to come with us. You have to turn yourself in."

"To this Conrad Abernathy fellow, ye mean?" He shook his head. "Christ, lass. You've gone mad."

"It's the only way they'll release John," I said. "And it's the only way they'll turn me. If you don't come with us now, we're dead."

Ian's eyes darted between Thomas and me, his breath coming quickly as he contemplated his options. I held my own breath, afraid he'd turn and run, condemning both John and me.

"You have a chance to save two lives," Thomas said. "No matter what transgressions you've committed, you have a chance to rectify them now."

Ian pressed his back against the wall and ran his hands through his hair. His shoulders slumped as his breath escaped him. "God, help me."

He approached me then and cupped my face in his ice-cold hands. He hadn't fed lately, I realized. Thomas made a motion to intervene, but Ian rounded on him. "I will not hurt her! I've learned my lesson, aye?"

"Of course," Thomas said, slowly backing away

"Will ye forgive me, lass?" Ian asked. "Whatever I'm to face now, I need to know I am forgiven for what I've done."

Covering his hands with my own, I searched his eyes, mournful with regret, and said the words he needed to hear. "I forgive you."

He pulled me tight against his chest then and I felt a shudder of relief—or maybe fear—run through his body. "All right," he said. "Let's go."


The drive across town to the Abernathy mansion seemed to take forever. I thought Ian would tap a hole into the floor of the car just getting there, but as I turned into the long, winding driveway, he went rigid in his seat.

"I feel him here," he said, staring ahead through the windshield at the monolithic home rising before us.

"You're doing the right thing," I said as I parked the car. Ian looked at me but didn't respond.

"Best not to keep them waiting," Thomas said from the back seat. He pushed open his door and stepped out into the rain.

"You are doing the right thing," I repeated. "No matter what happens now."

Following Thomas into the main foyer, we startled June as she emerged from one of the adjacent rooms. "Thomas, what are you doing home so early? School's not over for another two hours."

Thomas kissed her cheek. "Would you tell my father we've brought Ian McAvoy?"

June's eyes rested briefly on Ian. Then raising a hand to Thomas's face, she laid her palm gently against his cheek and nodded. "Of course."

Blood Type: Book One of the Blood Type Series (complete)Where stories live. Discover now