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Gina rushed past the crowded hallway, accidentally bumping into students as she forced her feet to move faster.

She wanted to kick herself for being so out of shape, she had just started running and yet she was already breathing hard and sweating like a mad man.

"You really need to start exercising," the voice of her annoying fat-shaming uncle rang into her head.

Instead of focusing on it she chose to blame her ridiculously heavy backpack which consisted of almost all her textbooks. She cursed herself for breaking her tablet which consisted of her textbooks in the school's e- books app, because of this her mom refused to buy her another tablet now she has no choice but to carry actual textbooks.

She exited the school's glass door and saw her target; he was walking towards his car.

"I wish my parents could afford to buy me a car like that or a car at all," she thought.

"Daniel! Daniel!" she yelled but the boy couldn't hear her, he continued walking towards his car. He did not escape her this time because Gina caught up to him eventually.

Gina stood between the boy and his car, blocking him from opening it. She was a sweating and panting mess.

"Man, I am out of shape!" she thought.

The boy gave her a blank stare as he waited for her breathing to be normal again. "What do you want," irritation detected in his tone.

"I need your help, the other day I heard you play piano in the music room and I think you are good, not simply good you are excellent. In fact, you should make a career, I'd give away all my salary just to-" he cut her rambling off.

"Get to the point," he said.

"Yeah, right. Sorry, I ramble a lot sometimes. It's a family thing although it skipped mom, my grandmother had it, my great grandmother, her mother and-" she cut herself off upon seeing his glare.

"Right, sorry. I need your help. I need a piano teacher and after listening to your performance you are the best shot I have at piano," she pleaded.

"No," he said without even considering it.

"Please, I need you. You are the only hope I have. I would do anything, plus I'd pay you," she tried.

"Do I look like I need money?" He asked, making Gina shake her head. The car he drove, his custom-made uniform, his Rolex watch and cologne- which left a mark everywhere he went- was proof enough that he didn't need her money.

He was a direct contrast of her, she took a taxi home, her uniform was from the uniform shop, on her wrist was a handmade bracelet from her grandmother and she was sure that 40 percent of the learners at school were wearing the same perfume as her - a perfume whose scent faded quickly.

"No, you don't," she admitted, disappointment clear in her tone. Her gaze moved away from his face to his navy blazer and light blue shirt which were tucked into his grey pants.

"Can't you just hire a tutor?" He asked she shook her head but didn't explain.

She sighed as she shifted her gaze back to him, he still wore his blank look, "I'm sorry for wasting your time, you must have really important things to do than to teach me how to play a piano. Goodbye, Daniel," she walked away without even waiting for his answer.

She felt disappointed, she had noticed that, in the past six months since she moved to Frenchesta High School, that Daniel Craig didn't have friends, she had made it her mission to befriend him.

From what she heard about him she knew that if she directly approached him, he would immediately shut her down, so she used piano as an excuse to talk to him.

Nobody deserves to be alone; everybody needs a friend to talk to.

Her Act Of Kindness Where stories live. Discover now