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Daniel frowned when Gina flicked her fingers in front of his face.

"Where did you go to? I've been talking to myself for the past ten minutes..." before he could open his mouth and lie to her "...and don't you dare tell me it's nothing, you've been distracted this whole week. Talk to me, what's up?" Gina voiced out her concern.

Daniel turned to his best friend of ten years; he gave her a sad smile before searching his pockets for the root of his distracted mind.

Gina gasped when Daniel took out a velvet box, he opened it revealing a gorgeous ring.

With tears in her eyes, she finally understood why he had been so distracted lately, "Oh, Danny," she mumbled as she reached out to touch it, Daniel gave it to her before turning to the quiet river below him.

He was at the cliff again; this time he did not intend to end his life he was taking a step towards a new future.

"It's very pretty, in fact it's gorgeous, Sarah is going to love it," he turned to Gina whose smile he could not return.

Gina frowned as a realisation hit her, "You are scared," she stated his lack of response was a confirmation that moved her heart.

"You know, you are the bravest person I know," she stated causing Daniel's head to turn, disbelief written all over his face.

Gina rolled her eyes at him, "Don't look at me like that, you are one tough cookie. Remember how anxious you'd get just from having a conversation with me, but now you are a university professor and a youth pastor, socialising is what you do on a daily basis? Danny, you've passed through the worst of things, yet you never let that bring you down. Very few walk in the path you walked in and make it. Yet here you are, inspiring and changing lives. You are a walking testimony and a role model to the youth," she said.

"You think so?" Danny asked, he was doubtful.

"I know so, stupid," she hit him in the head.

"Ow," Daniel moaned as he rubbed his head, "You are abusive," he said.

Gina rolled her eyes," It's called knocking common sense into you," she said.

"How would you like it if the tables were turned?" He asked earning a raised eyebrow from her.

" You would be dead as in yesterday," she said with the most serious face she could master in return Daniel laughed, not the desired effects she wanted.

"You are adorable," he pinched her cheeks this made her swat his hand away.

Comfortable silence settled between them as both focused on the quiet river.

" I know that this is a huge step in your life and that you are scared, it's okay to be scared, just don't let fear stop you from achieving your happiness. You are a good person Danny, you deserve all the happiness in the world and Sarah makes you happy, don't let fear get in the way of your happiness, " Gina gave him the box back.

Daniel looked at the velvet box in his hand lost in thought. He knew Gina was right, she was always right," Thanks...for always knocking sense into me," he said, this earned him a big smile from Gina, her infectious smile caused him to smile.

"See, you have nothing to worry about, besides if you get cold feet on the wedding day, I'll have my car ready just in case," she joked making them both laugh at the thought of it.

Daniel knew Gina would help him runaway if it came to it, but she would try to knock sense into him first.

"It's always the female best friend," he said laughing, it was an inside joke only they both knew of.

"Oh, please," she gently shoved him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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