Chapter 6 - Olivia - Escape Plan

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"So there's going to be lots of food and cake! I'm having the Faces of Outcasts play the entire night. Well not the entire night. They'll get breaks and stuff I mean they are guests as much as you guys are. And you all defiantly do not need to bring any presents. My brother has already sent me a ton of stuff so I am definitely good on that front. But I thought it would be a lot of fun to get together! I'm inviting all the upperclassmen plus the Gravesell students and a couple of my friends from back home. You guys don't know them but they're really nice-"

"Um Ky?" I interrupted. "When is the party?"

"Oh! Right, you all probably need to know that." Kyomi giggled with embarrassment. We were all waiting in our first block while Kyomi was up at the front of the room. Debrot was late, again, but none of us were complaining. "October 15. I thought it would be easier to do it on the Autumnal Equinox since we are going to have that week off anyway for Evenfall. My birthday technically isn't until two weeks later, but this way we can have it at my family's summer house. Oh! And since it's going to be Evenfall, the party it's going to be a masquerade!"

Everyone sat up a little bit at that.

"You can come dressed up as whatever character you want! As long as it's appropriate though... We are going to be chaperoned by a couple guards so it can't get like too crazy-"

"Will there be alcohol?!" Rayna shouted from the back.

Kyomi smiled brightly and pointed to her. "No!"

Mihri turned around and glared at Rayna. "Can you not be a pig for five minutes? Kyomi is only turning 15."

Rayna sank down in her seat, pouting, "It's no fun if it's legal."

Ivy snorted, "Won't you be 16 by then anyway? So it will be legal for you."

" Nwe-neme-mene-me ," Rayna mocked and stuck out her tongue at Ivy.

"Soooooo yeah!" Kyomi continued. "Just let me know if you can make it sometime before the actu-"


Kyomi squeaked and jumped back. Debrot was standing behind her, a thick pile of papers slammed on her desk. Kyomi quickly scurried back to her seat next to Mihri, Debrot glaring at her the entire way. I sat up straighter and folded my hands neatly in my lap. All of those papers must have been the midterm exams that we took yesterday. And judging my Debrot's face, this was not going to be good.

The professor leaned heavily on her desk, like she was about to start an interrogation. "I have these organized from highest to lowest. That way, you all know who to make a little study group with, and who to avoid like the Mananan Plague. Though I'm not sure how much copying off each other will help considering half of you clearly don't even pick up the GODDAMN TEXTBOOK!" She smacked her hand hard down onto the table. That jolted awake Rupley, the assigned guard, who had been sleeping in his little chair in the back of the classroom. He just re-crossed his legs and stared out the window.

Sir Rupley was... there. At least. And so far that was enough for Debrot to leave her metal cane at her desk whenever she stalked around the room.

"Next week we will also be redoing all of my lectures from the last three chapters. Maybe you'll listen this time. Come up and grab your exam when I call your name. No comments or questions when you are up here. You are to look over your entire exam before making any requests of me. And NO TALKING!" Debrot stood up like a drill sergeant and picked up the first exam from the pile. "Heir Princess Olivia of Ridire Ceo!"


A 90.6%.

That's still an A.

That's not failing. It's not my highest grade and it'll bring down my GPA. But it's still an A. Debrot doesn't offer extra credit, but if one of my other teachers does, then overall it should balance out...

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