8-Double Date

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💙George POV💙

Me, George Henry Davidson, a short gay brunnete, has a boyfriend. My first boyfriend. My first partner.. in general. Not complianing though.
His sweet laugh, his nice smile, hes just almost so perfect perfect perfect and i never wanna change anytjing abiut him.

Im excited to tell Karl and Sapnap. And ask them to go on a double date with with us..?! Pog Champ as Tommy would say.
Clay suggested we eat breakfast and i didnt complain. It was absolutely delicious.

After a nice meal of eggs, sausages, and orange juice, we set off to school. Walking all the way, hand in hand, the huge smiles never left our faces as we skipped along the side walks of Orlando, Florida, and i wouldnt have it any other way.
We spot Sappi and Karl talkig happily to each other about Minecraft and other shenannigans untill they notice us practically floating towards them.
Sapnap smirked knowingly and Karl had a similar, more sus expression. It looked like some kind of weird goofy smile with a hint of smugness and "I think i know whats about to happen".
Clay looked at me and i nodded, giving him consent to tell the other couple.

"We're dating", we both blurted out in unison.
They just nodded and grinned, too happy to keep complacent expreassions on their faces. They broke their usually goofy attitudes and hugged us, too cheerful to care about the other kids confusedly watch us be happy.
After the hug Clay questioned, "Double date? Or nah."

They both nodded their heads vigorously in sinc with eachother.
Later that day we told Zak, Bad, Tommy, Wilbur, Techno, Tubbo, Niki, Puffy, Luke, Ponk, fundy, and some others in our friend group. All seemed to be extremely happy for us.
Clay asked Fundy if he had a crush on him since he seemed more flirty and clingy with him, but it turned out he already had a girlfriend and was just needy for attention when she wasnt there. Clay was good subistute for that, for he was a kind and loving person 24/7. I really love that boy.

⏰time skip⏰

We headed out to Border Grill Fresh-Mex. Quackity said they had mouth-watering tacos there, and plus, he worked there. It guarantees us an at least 10% discount on the meal.

We sat down at table number 14, after the mexican boy led us there. I dont understand why, but Bad doesnt like this number. Its an inside joke between him and Geppy as he calls him. What a weird muffin.
"So, what can i get the pair of loverboys here at this wonderful Mexican restaurant today, hmm?" Quackity asked in a funny Mexican accent, trying to be funny. It worked because Karl was laughing his ass off. Damn.

We gave our order and, soon after it came we dug in to the wonderful meal before us. It was amazing and i was so hungry that i stole half of Clays burrito off of his plate.
As i was almost finished, he snatched the food right out of my hands and put half of it in his mouth.
"Lets do the thing from Lady and the Tramp but with a burrito instead," he uttered. His voice was very muffled from our tastly burrito being in his mouth.

I laughed and complied immediately, us closing in a kiss which was sloppy but cute, as Sapnap complimented.
"Thanks, bestie!" I said to the ravenette.
Karl and Clay glared at me which earned a hearty laughing fit from Sap. We all eventaully joined in, forgetting reality and enjoyed the moment. If what happened in Inside-Out was a thing, this would definitely be a core memory.

Quackity came back with the bill, but it read that the total was zero dollars. What?
We all gave the boy in the LAFD beanie confuzzled looks, not knowing why it said that.
"All my homies here at the restaurant want to congratulate you two, so they contributed some money to your bill. Better say thanks to Huan Mendes for donating the most, he thinks you guys are the cutest couples," Quackity explained.

"Thank you, Alex. Youre amazing. Mind telling me how much you contributed to the bill?" Clay questioned.
"10 bucks, dont worry man. Me and the boys here all gotchu."
I smiled brightly at Alex. I seemed to be radiating light from me because i was practically glowing. A waitress known as Minx came by.

"Are you the sun? Because you look bright as f*ck, dude." She then left to do her other chores around the restaurant, and it led us into another messy fit of giggles, not counting Alex and Clay who were both wheezing like two little teapots.

Soon getting ready to leave, Quackity stopped us before we exited the door.

"Get that cake, man," he said, gesturing to me and Dream. I laughed and Dream wheezed, both of us bright red and in a great mood.

"Oh, and," he paused, "dont forget to invite your homie here to the wedding. I can be your best man."

He bowed dramatically. Sapnap scoffed.
"Actually, I am the best man. Ever. In the world. And at these two's soon-to-be wedding."

Karl laughed and we said our last farewells, thanking Alex one last time before the door closed, shutting out the rest of the background noise in the building.

It was an amazing day and as me and Dream linked hands to go to Sapnaps car, i couldnt help but smile at hiw lucky i am to exist in a time like this, with a cute and kind lover, a supporting mother, and the most amazing and best friends a boy could ever ask for.
Again, as i said earlier today, i wouldnt have it any other way.

A/N: okay today i woke up and saw this has over 100 veiws w h a t
Btw ranbooxreader got taken down due to ccs coundaries and bc i was never goiing to finish it anyways

wc: 1027

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