Chapter 1

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She sat in the booth across from where he had a table and ordered herself a drink while they both waited, she watched as he began to smile as a very beautiful young lady walked towards his table... she watched as she leaned down and placed a kiss on his lips before he in turn rose up to pull her chair out so she can sit with him at his table.

She looked on with an aching heart as they chatted and flirted throughout their entire time together dining... after two and a half hours of torture to her eyes they asked for the tab and she quickly did the same, paying for her drinks and dashing out towards her car before they saw her so she could follow them.

Much to her dismay they both left together in his car and drove off into traffic, she waited a while and allowed them to get a few paces ahead before following their every turn into a neighborhood she knew all too well... they came to a stop in the yard of HER house, the house she grew up in that her parents had passed on and left for her that they used as a get away house when they needed a break.

How dare he?!!

She watched as he opened her door for her and as she got out he lifted her bridal style and carried her into the house and closed the door with his foot, not even giving a backwards glance to her car parked in plain view.

She waited a few minutes and walked very quietly through the back door, they never locked up because her old neighborhood was a very safe one, she walked up the stairs to where the bedrooms where and began hearing disgusting sounds of pleasure and ecstasy  from the spare bedroom at the end of the hall.

To her advantage they had left the door ajar giving her the full view of their sexual rampage on each other and the perfect angle to video tape them on her mobile, she watched and recorded as the man who vowed to her till death to him part rip their vows and her heart to pieces with another woman in her own home they shared with their children.

When she had enough she made her way down towards the kitchen and grabbed the sharpest knife she could find and made her way back out towards his car and punched two tires on his car, the right front tire and the back left tire then she made her way home to their three children to put her plan in motion.

What's Done In The Dark (Completed short story)Where stories live. Discover now