Chapter 5

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(Amelias parents home shown above)

I sold my home...

It broke my heart to do it, but I knew walking into that house would never be the same knowing the naughty things that happened in there that excluded me for God knows how long.. my children and I packed our things that we kept there and took them home without saying a word to Henry...

The new owners where set to move into the house in three days time.

(One week later)

I get a call from the police station at 2:38 AM stating that there is a man by the name of Henry Jaxson they have in custody and is requesting me to come and bail him right away, I took my sweet time getting ready as I already know the reason why my hubby is in custody I can't help but snicker as I wake Havana up to make the drive down to the station with me.

***Good Morning Ma'am we are sorry for having you come down here so late but your husband insisted upon being let out right away into your custody... can you tell me what happened officer? what did he do to end up here?.... *** well ma'am he was caught in the home of the Newmans family with a female in one their childrens bedroom I try to stifle my laugh and it came out as a sob as my daughter "consoles" me while I can feel her trembling from holding her own laughter in.

After I am calm and composed the officer proceeds to tell us that the family had intended to press charges against him until he told them that he was my husband and that they where the ones who where trespassing on your property... it appears that he was unaware that the house was sold nine days prior. I did confirm that they bought the house from me as it belonged to my parents to passed it onto me and that I had been so caught up with catching up with work from being away for so long that it slipped my mind to tell him.

I paid his bail after the Newmans where informed that he was indeed my husband they dropped the charges for my sake... such a pity...

Havana and I followed the officer to the back where my husband sat in all his glory looking de-shelved with messy hair and his buttons done wrong and his shirt tail hanging out and in the cell sitting right opposite him was none other than his SEXITERY.. she stared at me wide eyed while I barely acknowledged her, Havana however... ** What are you staring at?!!** she looked away without a word.

** Henry... I never thought I'd live to see the day I'd have to bail my loving husband out of Police custody...what do you have to say for yourself?...*** Just get me out of here please Lia for God sakes and drop the snotty attitude...why did you even bring Havana down here at this hour of the morning... ** for the same reason you brought me down here this hour of the bail you... how could I drive all this way by myself at this hour?**

Just get us out Amelia!.... US?! who is us?... what do you mean? Sharon and I, I can't just leave her in here all night she has to go home, we have work tomorrow...

Pity I just brought enough money to bail you... I didn't realize you came as a package... doesn't she have a boyfriend she can call? or family? he has the gaul to look embarrassed.

No she doesn't .

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