Jaeyong (9)

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Another jaeyong... LOOK AWAY!!!!

Title: Bulletproof
Theme/Genre: Bonnie and Clyde sort of romance. Think Joker and Harley. Criminal lovers.
Notes: Song - Bulletproof by La Roux
Also, lemme know how you found this one. Not the proudest of it.

Taeyong's fingers rhythmically tapped the back of the chair in which he was tied to, body strapped down as if he was some violent escapee. It was silly really and also quite insulting for them to think that keeping him locked in confinement - in some cold, dreary, and drab prison cell - would ever be enough to keep his madness at bay. Besides, the guards that had tied him up had been moronic, they'd gotten the knots all wrong - Taeyong knew from experience.

"Say, how many guards does it take to change a man in a straitjacket?" Taeyong asked casually, tipping his head back in unabashed laughter.

It was an awful position to be in, Taeyong noted rather somberly, his neck hurt and the cuffs around his wrists had dug into his flesh so hard that they drew blood. He'd have to make a complaint to the deputy chief of the police department to ensure that next time he'd come, he'd have a more luxurious stay. If Jaehyun heard about the conditions he was staying in this time, it would surely set him off, but Taeyong wouldn't tell him for the greater good of... for the greater good of everyone really. Sometimes cleaning up blood was such a chore.

Taeyong's head fell as his laughter ceased. He pouted at the man watching him, unfazed, on the other side of the cell. "You don't know the answer?"

He paused, chest rising and smile widening painfully to bare his pearly white teeth in an attempt to seem inviting. It shouldn't have come as a surprise that the guard hadn't answered - he hadn't reacted at all, actually, not a twitch in his brows, nor a flinch in demeanour; nothing to indicate that he had heard Taeyong at all or was even alive other than the odd and slow paced blinking of his dry eyes.

Taeyong's smile dropped. "Dimwit."

Taeyong sighed exaggeratedly, lolling his head around. He was beginning to grow bored - a fuzzy, dark feeling shrouding the four corners of his mind and making him feel a tad bit dizzy, maybe destructive if they handed him a butterknife. It had been a month since he'd been in confinement, and that was two weeks more than what he usually stayed, Jaehyun seemingly deciding to prolong his vacation like it was some sort of punishment. Maybe it was out of spite that Taeyong, again, had gotten them caught, or maybe he had found some other broad to fuck who was a little less insane and a little more mentally stable.

Taeyong giggled to himself as he remembered Jaehyun's face the last time he had seen him when Taeyong set off the alarm to the Louvre Museum with one not so accidental misstep. Jaehyun had whipped around, face contorted in rage, and charged for him, arms out like he always did when he was determined to strangle him and watch his cheeks drain from colour until he was white and asphyxiated, lithe body thrashing around like a madman. But Jaehyun didn't get the chance.

Maybe the authorities had guessed their next target, maybe they'd known of Jaehyun's stupid love for French paintings, or maybe they were simply as bored as he was now, because they had arrived awfully quicker than usual.

Taeyong's giggles faded into a soft sigh. He missed him, and if Jaehyun didn't want to get him out then he'd have to do it himself. The thought of Jaehyun's face and large, bruising hands was enough to keep him going, scratching at his binds with the shard of glass he had kept with him, despite just how much his wrists ached. He kept his face stoic and eyes trained ahead in line with his usual silent, despondent moments and prayed that the guard wouldn't hear the scratching sound when sitting so far away. It'd be troublesome if he did honestly, and Taeyong wasn't in the mood to be stripped and search again.

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