Yujae (3)

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Title: Hello Kitty!
Theme/Genre: Bad boys JohnYuTae and Cutie Jaehyun. University AU
Notes: Yuta is kind of mean... all my characters are kind of mean. (Are we even surprised at this point?)
Word Count: 7.1k


Yuta sniffled, rubbing his nose. "Quit it," he grumbled as Taeyong drew in another puff of smoke and blew the cloud towards him.

Taeyong's lips curled upwards, and he used the body of his cigarette to point to an incoming figure, treading their way across the campus green. Yuta didn't have to look over to know who it was because it had come to a point where it was too much of a regular occurrence. Every two days, at this exact time, Jaehyun brought Yuta a gift of some sort. He supposed he was a bad person for not appreciating Jaehyun's advances, and it was flattering at first even, but how had Jaehyun seriously not gotten it through his skull yet that Yuta didn't want to fuck him?

And it was true, Yuta confirmed to himself for the millionth time, watching Jaehyun approach their group's spot on the grass, under the big oak tree, with another present tucked between his hands. Jaehyun wasn't his type to a T - pastel clothing, bright vermillion ears, and that goddamn Hello Kitty merch. That, to Yuta, was the worst of it all. He couldn't possibly begin to understand Jaehyun's obsession. Jaehyun was cute. He'd always been cute. And, most importantly, he didn't fit into Yuta's aesthetic. Jaehyun wasn't the roughed-up guys with jeans with more rips than denim that Yuta usually went for.

It was funny. Sometimes he didn't know whether to call Jaehyun stupid or brave. It was almost admirable.

"H-Hi," Jaehyun greeted as he made his way past Taeyong to hand Yuta his gift. Taeyong let the cigarette settle between his teeth as he watched them.

Jaehyun was brave, Yuta decided, but much too brave for his own good. And Jaehyun was kind because why else would he consistently bring Yuta such snacks? It was always his favourite ones, too, because somehow, Jaehyun had a way of finding out such things. Yuta half expected Taeyong as the one to tell him, just to crawl his way under Yuta's skin. He eyed today's present that Jaehyun thrust out in front of him, head bowed to stare at his feet in nervousness. He quirked a brow. Green tea cake and strawberry milk. He'd outdone himself.

"Just take it already!" Donghyuck griped from where he was seated on Johnny's lap on the grass, hands over his eyes to block out the rising sun.

Neither Johnny nor Taeyong cared much for their almost daily exchanges, but Donghyuck had always encouraged Yuta to reciprocate. Yuta merely glanced at Donghyuck, the skirt on his thighs ridden up and Johnny's hand underneath treading dangerously close to its peak. Yuta looked away, vaguely unimpressed. A pair of exhibitionists was what they were.

Jaehyun shifted on his feet, head still down and arms still extended with the gifts in waiting, no matter how much they must have by keeping them up. Yuta's eyes ran over Jaehyun's outstretched hands and the bracelet circling his wrist, and he clicked his tongue before deciding to receive the gifts, if only to let Jaehyun breathe. Yuta truly wasn't mean. On a normal day, he may have only left him hanging a moment or two more, but that was usually to see if Jaehyun would finally blow his lid and tell him to fuck off.

He never did, though. He'd look up slightly as he did now - cheeks flushed, lashes fluttering, and thumbs circling each other as he waited for Yuta's reaction. Yuta eyed the delicacy before popping the cake into his mouth and devouring it in one bite. Those passing seconds it took to chew were always the worst - Jaehyun would stare up at him, tense, and with these horrible, big, doe eyes. It was for that reason that he could never find it in himself to be truly mean. He wasn't like Taeyong. He always knew when to open his mouth and answer with a passive, "Thank you."

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