Part 2

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How does it feel?
Being extremely patient with death...

[I suggest you play the video while reading this part.] (;


The room was darker than usual. Nothing could be seen. I think I fell asleep. Moaning sleepy, I decided to turn on the lights.

When I got up, I noticed the extremely cold air in the room. Jesus, I can feel the cold through my bones. Maybe the radiators are not working. I couldn't find the light switch so I decided to use my phone.

While wobbling around trying to find my goddamn phone, I hit my foot on the side of the desk.

"Fucking unnecessary horrible desk!" I swore under my breath, being furious over a desk that didn't do anything guilty except its job.
I froze in my spot as I heard a familiar male voice.

?: "Come here baby you're gonna break your leg like that."

I hastily turned around to find the owner of the voice. It was very murky and I didn't see anybody. I was thinking hard to figure out whose voice it was. I was sure that I knew him but my brain wasn't working properly.

I decided to call out the familiar stranger but my struggle was futile. A panicky feeling flashed over my body when I acknowledged that I just couldn't speak, It was like I lost my voice. The room was so quiet. I was quivering with fear and cold.

Unexpectedly the dreadful silence was violated by the sound of a woman crying.
While shaking I walked to the window that the sound of shrieking came from there.
Halfway I noticed the red light that was coming from the outside and illuminating the room.

I could clearly sense the stench of blood.
Human flesh and blood could be seen all over the wall. The room had that spooky charm, it was dull and quiet, cobwebs everywhere, chandeliers suspended from the ceiling and that odd knock no one could seem to explain.

My tears rushing down my cheeks, I tried to reach out for the doorknob but My legs didn't shift. Not an inch. I couldn't feel my body anymore. I was a numb mess.

Is this how I'm going to die? Such a pitiful way to die. I was terrified despite my longing for death. I didn't want to die like this.

I closed my eyes tightly which brought more tears to my eyes. My heart quit beating once the same male voice murmured in my ear.

?: "Don't cry my precious baby just come to me."

Fear clawed up my throat when his cold breath touched my nape. He grabbed my neck tightly and squeezed it. I was strangling while I couldn't even move my body to release myself from his grip.

The television switched to another station of its own accord and played footage of something horrible. It was me, trying to kill someone with a knife. I couldn't see the person's face and all I could hear was screaming and laughing. What was happening?

Suddenly I heard someone calling my name.
"Dallia..... Dallia..."

And then I woke up, panting so hard.
It took me forever to understand where I was. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the scarred face of a woman with dark blue hair and coarse glasses. Ugh... holy mother Mrs. Sue... She handed me a glass of water while she was rubbing my back.

Mrs. Sue: "Don't worry You just had a nightmare. Drink some water. " she said with her warm smile. I think she can be helpful too and not just annoying.

After a few minutes, I cleared my throat and spoke, "Mrs. Sue I don't want my uncle to know about this."

Mrs. Sue: "Sure, I'm not gonna tell him but you should take care of yourself."

"Yeah whatever," I mumbled.

Mrs. Sue: "I'll bring you a cup of coffee."
And with that, she left my office.

I let out a heavy sigh, leaning my head against the chair. The same nightmare every freaking time. "When will you give up on me, you unknown creepy bastard..!" I told to the man in my dream.
This was driving me crazy...

I checked the time on my phone.
Another tasteless day. I took a glimpse at the documents on my desk which I haven't finished yet. "This is an actual agony here," I uttered sarcastically.

I checked my notifications and no surprise!
25 missed calls and 14 messages. Touching the call button, I waited for the person on the other side to start the big fuss. And yeah before I could say hello he was yelling already.

"You spoiled brat! Who do you think you are? What the hell do you think you are doing huh? Do you know how much I was worried last night? I was going to call the police. Deiji stopped me because she knew what the actual brat you are and you didn't answer my calls on purpose." he finally breathed.

"Yeah well hello, my dear uncle! Good morning sunshine. Yeah yeah, I love you too."
I said sarcastically.

"Oh shut up!" he mocked.

"You know I won't." Pulling my lips into a smile, I giggled at his irritated state.

"Dallia," his voice was a bit intense and sad.

"What's wrong?"

"You know how hard it is for me to see you like this. Struggling with yourself and not letting me know or even help you. You didn't visit Dr. Kyun too and she called me yesterday. What's up with you darling just tell me." I could hear he was crying silently...

I hated myself for that. I was a bad bitch for hurting him like this. But It wasn't my fault. It's not like I wanted all these things to happen to me.

It was a moment of silence then he spoke.
"I want you to be home for lunch."

"But-" He didn't let me finish my sentence.

"I don't want to hear your excuses. Come home soon and that's it. End of discussion. Unless you want to face the consequences of being late." he said sternly and Before I could say anything he hung up on me.

"What? Did he just hang up on me?" I face-palmed myself mentally, hitting my head on the table twice.

Why do I deserve this? I didn't want to see my arrogant sister. God, what did I ever do to you? I hit my head again and closed my eyes.
Life was irritatingly annoying.

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Author's note: hope you enjoyed this part guys.
Share your thoughts and I'll read them.
Be patient, Taehyung will come soon.
The story will get interesting and wild. 😁😜
Love you mwah 😘😍

Creepy prodigy 💜

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