Day 7

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AN: So here is a short one.

Thanks for continuing to read.

Follow my insta for photos of the presents so far, and for hints on the colours.

Disclaimer: I still don't own TMI. There will be spelling/grammar.

Counting Down to You: Day 7 (0.6K)

December 7th

The second I hear Jonathan enter the room, I snap up so quickly before he has time to throw the water.

It turns out there is no water today—just a smirk.

I smack his arm, and he complains.

I roll my eyes and grab my clothes.

I have to beat him today. I have no choice.

I get ready and quickly call Jace before starting the game. Jace tells me my gift will arrive shortly.

Seriously, How many people did Jace involve?

I hang up as soon as my dad throws us each a kit and lines the counter with different kinds of candy. We stand apart and count to 3. We say 2, and all hell breaks loose where Jonathan gives himself ahead start, and he beat me, claiming all the Swedish berries and Chocolate chips for himself.

We pull out kits, and I find the pieces of my house are broken. I look over and see Jon having a similar problem. Then I glance at my father, who seems to be doing fine.

We are almost finished when Lily walks in the door, and my dad meets her outside the room, so she doesn't see the houses. Then he plants a kiss on his cheek.

We bid her a greeting and continue with our houses.

Mine was a challenge with the broken pieces that made my house look more like a hut.

A couple of minutes later, I jump up and announce I've finished.

I grab my phone and pull it out to send Jace my creation.

He replies immediately with, "Not the Ginger I wanted to see."

I send him a selfie with my tongue out, and he replies with "That's better," and my heart flutters just like it over 5 years ago.

My father and Jonathan finish their houses, and we call Lilly back. She paces, looking at each house, while we all wait patiently against the wall away from the houses.

She picks dads. Jon and I plead that we had broken pieces. My father reminds us that a deal is a deal.

Then I realize our problem. We three-way tied. Now what?

We all just stare at one another for a while until Jon tries to get me to concede.

I roll my eyes, and say "never, no way am I looking at a car's tree next week."

Now he rolls his eyes, "That was years ago, let it go. I haven't won in years. Give me a chance," as he ends with puppy dog eyes.

"Never," and I turn to my dad and say, "How do we solve this?"

He shrugs, "It is your mothers' invention. Ask her."

I fish my phone from my pocket again and ring her. She doesn't answer.

I tell them this, and my dad says we should wait before this gets out of control.

The Lily comes to the counter and slides a pink wrapped gift towards me.

Well, that is one mystery solved.

I dial Jace, and he picks up, and his face fills the screen as he sits in the back of some car.

"Well, there is my favourite gingerbread."

I blush and laugh, "So funny. I have a gift here from a special someone," and I tap the screen to spin the camera around to show him the gift.

He laughs and says I better open it if it is from someone special.

So, I do.

Inside is a tube of cherry red lipstick with a bunch of heresy's chocolate kisses.

So cute, I smile and thank him while blowing him a kiss.

Then I ask him what the colours mean, and he winks and tells me I'll know by Day 13.

I hang up and look at my father and brother and ask, "Now what?"

AN: Poor Clary, she got dealt an unfair hand. Was this planned by her father? 

Question Time: What will the 4th round be? What is in the green box? Will Clary open it? Lastly, who will get to decorate the tree with their idea?

Stay Safe!

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