Day 10

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AN: Hi guys, trying to catch up, so here is day 10.

Disclaimer: I don't own TMI or Twilight, nor am I a published author.

Thank you for reading! 

Counting Down to You: Day 10 (0.7K)

December 10th

My eyes snap open, and I know I have messed up. My face is oily, and my eyelash got stuck together. I worked later than usual last night because it was Wednesday, our slower day, meaning Aline and I did inventory counts after closing the store. We only ever do this once a month, and I usually do it for my mother, trying to lessen the load for her.

I grab my phone and have a series of texts from Jace asking me to call.

I rub the sleep from my eyes and click call.

He accepts it immediately, and his face fills the screen, and the butterflies fill my stomach.

"Good morning, handsome," I say.

He winks and says, "Morning, Beautiful."

"What can I do for you this morning?" and I find my eyes glancing at his bare chest.

He laughs and says, "Really 5 years, and you are eyeing my chest? Here I thought you were a proper girl."

"mmm, I think you corrupted me the minute you decided to walk into my English class with the fan blowing your hair like Bella."

"I'm Bella?" he asks, with an eyebrow raised.

"You are the Bella, to my Edward."

"Who decided you were the Edward to my Bella?"

"Since I stay up and not sleep. You go out in the sun and get a tan; meanwhile, I run away like my life depends on it."

He laughs, "Okay, Edward. When is Max coming back? I miss him and my nightly photos."

"Izzy will be here soon; I'll make sure we video call you tonight."

He nods, "Well, I'll leave you to it. Call me when you have your gift."

"Where is it?" I question.

"You'll see. Bye, Babe," and he quickly ends the call.

I sigh. So secretive.

I scroll through my phone for a while until I wait until the last minute and climb out of bed to get read.

I was finishing pulling my hair into a bun as I hear a bark in the hallway.

He really needs to stop doing that.

I exit my room and walk down my small hallway to my door and pull it open before Izzy has a chance to knock.

As soon as the door opens, Max runs at me.

I pick him up, and he begins to lick my face.

"Yes, yes. I missed you too." I say to the over-excited dog.

I hug Izzy, and we step inside the apartment.

I make our coffee, and I give her the rundown of my event competition.

She reaches into her bag and pulls out a silver gift.

"Jace?" I ask, and she nods.

I grab my phone and angel it, so Izzy and I are both in the frame when he accepts.

He has now since showered and is wearing his classic white t-shirts.

"'Well, hello, sis." He says as he looks at Izzy.

"Hello, dearest brother who doesn't call but has time to set up all this for the girl he sleeps with."

I roll my eyes.

"Correction, she is my girlfriend who is actually nice to me, and the boy she does this thing with her tongue that just drives me mad."

My face flushes, and Izzy squeals and yells,"'TOO MUCH INFORMATION."

"I'm just going to pretend this didn't happen and open this," I say as I pull at the silk ribbon, opening it up.

Inside is a classic silver frame with small details that had a character with the vines. The photo inside is of Jace and me with our foreheads touching as we are about to kiss.

My heart fills with joy, and tears fill my eyes.

"Thank you so much," I say into my phone.

"Aw, don't cry."

I laugh, "You are kidding, right? You give me a sweet gift, and you assume I am not going to cry."

He shrugs, "Sorry, Edward."

I laugh, "Thank you, Bella."

From the corner of my eye, I see Izzy giving me a look.

We say our goodbyes, and I am met with Izzy's confused expression.

"Yes?" I say.

Now she shrugs, "I was going to ask about the tongue thing, but I decided I didn't need to know. But tell me why you are Edward."

AN: I couldn't help myself with the Twilight references.

Hints are still going up on my insta, along with photos.

Questions: What colour is next? (another repeat) What gift has been your favourite?

Stay Safe!

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